The Future of Walden Elementary School 

Gathering Community Feedback

The schools that make up Valley Central School District are the heartbeat of our community. By taking our community survey, your responses will help determine priorities for the future of our beloved Walden Elementary School.

Built in 1926, Walden Elementary School is showing signs of its nearly 100-year age. Sitting on 2.3 acres in the Village of Walden, the school welcomes approximately 450 children in Kindergarten through fifth grade each year. While the building is safe for students, we’ve come to a critical point in addressing several areas in need of improvement so that we can provide the best possible learning environment for our students.

The current footprint does not offer any green space for playgrounds or fields like the other schools in the district. The building layout creates bottlenecks, making it difficult for students and faculty to properly navigate the space.

Outdated and undersized classrooms create barriers to learning. Lack of a permanent stage limits music and theater performances. Without a dedicated bus loop, buses line the streets and create traffic for residents during busy drop off and pick up times.

Watch the Video To Learn More About the Challenges at Walden Elementary School

Your responses to the community survey will help us to determine the priorities as we plot our course of action going forward. Your feedback is important to us and we thank you for taking the time to complete our survey!

Our Collaborative Three-Phase Approach

In thinking about the longevity of our school and the future of our students, we are taking our time in this process and collaborating with many stakeholders, including board members, school administrators, community members, teachers, parents, and students.

We are currently in phase one of our three-phase approach.

Phase 1

  • Establish Walden Committee
  • Conduct a feasibility report
  • Gather community feedback on the facility components of the future school
  • Conduct an equity comparison to our other elementary schools
  • Walden Committee visits other elementary schools in and out of the District

Phase 2

  • The final feasibility report, including results of all studies and surveys, will be shared with the community
  • Walden Committee will use the information to make a recommendation to the Board of Education
  • The Board of Education will select a final preferred option to be submitted to The New York State Education Department (NYSED) for preliminary fiscal review
  • After NYSED completes their review, the Board of Education approves the capital project to be voted on by the community  
  • The community votes on the capital project, which impacts the future of Walden Elementary

Phase 3

  • Design process begins
  • Design is completed
  • Plans submitted to the New York State Education Department
  • New York State Education Department approves plan
  • Bidding process
  • Awarding of contracts
  • Work begins

Frequently Asked Questions

What will happen to students during construction?

Construction will take multiple years depending on the option we choose. If students cannot attend the current Walden Elementary School building during that time period, we will explore other alternatives which may include temporarily attending other schools within the District

Is the goal to restructure/rebuild, or have a new building altogether? Would a new building be at a new location or in Walden?

No decision has been made yet. The feasibility study will analyze all of our options. We are taking everything into consideration. The feasibility study will look at space, state aid, and other considerations. We will keep the community updated as new information becomes available.

We’re also gathering feedback from students, staff, community members, and parents. We want as much information as possible. Your feedback will help us to set priorities.

We ask that community members avoid speculation and are encouraged to email all questions, concerns, and feedback to the district directly to our Communications Team.

Will this impact the budget in 2025-2026?

No, this capital project will not impact the 2025-2026 school budget. The impact on the budget won’t be determined until we have approval from the New York State Education Department.

What about students with accessibility needs at Walden Elementary School in the meantime?

Student’s with accessibility needs may attend another elementary school within Valley Central that can better fit their requirements. Most times this is only temporary, for example if a student will be on crutches for a few weeks.

Timeline of Walden Elementary School Building Renovations

1926 – Walden Elementary School is built. It sits at 70,000 square feet on 2.3 acres.

1952 – A new wing is added onto the building to meet its growing student population.

1992 – The boiler system is replaced.

2008 – The roof is replaced.

2023 – The soffit on the 1952 wing received a necessary repair.

2023 – Unit ventilators and classroom floors were replaced in the 1952 wing.

Updates during the course of this process will be posted on this page. For specific questions or feedback, please email our Communications Team.