VCHS Families Can Apply For Reduced AP/SAT/ACT Exams or Reduced Fees For College Applications

For Valley Central High school families who wish to request for reduced fees for AP/SAT/ACT exams, free or reduced college applications, EOP college programs (for students economically and academically disadvantaged), and other similar programs, please complete the form below. 

All households with a child enrolled in Valley Central High School who are interested in additional support for the above services will need to fill out this form to be considered for eligibility.   Completing the form is vital for obtaining private, state, and federal educational programs including, but not limited to, grants, funding, and college preparation courses. Guidelines for qualification are found on the second page of the eligibility form.  If interested, please complete the form below and return it to the high school guidance office as soon as possible.

Household Income Eligibility Form

To request a paper copy of this form, please call 845-457-2400 ext. 17611