American Sign Language (ASL) | Badminton Club | Business & Marketing Honor Society | Comic Book Club | Cultural Diversity Club | English Honor Society (VCEHS) | Environmental Club | For the Animals | French Honor Society | Future Business Leaders of America (FRBLA) | Future Teacher Club | GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) | Gradus Honoris | Hosa | Interact Club | Jazz Band | Math Honor Society | Math Team (DUSO League) | Mock Trial | Morgan’s Message | Musical | National Art Honor Society (NART) | National Social Studies Honor Society (Rho Kappa) | Pep Band | Photo Club | Revelation | Scabbard & Blade Club | Science Club | Science Honor Society | Science Olympiad | Set Design | Shakespeare Club | Ski and Snowboard Club | Spanish Honor Society | Student Government Association (SGA) | Today’s Students – Tomorrow’s Teacher | Tri-M Music Honor Society | VALKYRIES (A Cappella) | VC Dream/SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) | V.C.H.S. Book Club | Viking Voice | Volunteer Club of Valley Central (VCofVC) | We Inspire Strength and Empowerment (W.I.S.E.) | Yearbook/Viking Log | Youth in Government
If interested in an extracurricular activity, please reach out to the advisor via email. Meeting dates and times for all clubs will be communicated through the club advisor.
American Sign Language (ASL)
Advisor: Mrs. Morales
Meeting Location: Library
The ASL Club will provide a fun, interactive, and enriching environment to expose students to the benefits and fundamentals of sign language. The ASL Club will strive to bring awareness to Deaf Culture. Students will be exposed to basic sign language, such as, signing the alphabet, counting, and basic phrases, while building vocabulary and understanding the structure of the language. The ASL Club welcomes all levels of signing experience; students are not required to have a background with ASL. We welcome fluent signers, somewhere in between, or no signing experience. All students are encouraged to attend.
Badminton Club
Advisor: Coach Berkowitz
Meeting Location: Gym
The Badminton Club gives students an opportunity to experience the International and Olympic sport of Badminton. Paired with the opportunity of increasing skill level to a level of their choosing. This is open to all students.
Business & Marketing Honor Society
Advisor: Mrs. LaVallie
Meeting Location: Room 102
The primary purpose of the Business and Marketing Honor Society of New York State is to recognize students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in business and marketing education at the secondary level. Students must maintain at least an 88 percent average in Business Education courses and at least an 80 percent overall average. In addition, students must demonstrate exemplary Character, Leadership, and Service in the classroom as well as in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Comic Book Club
Advisor: Mr. Jurgens
Meeting Location: Room 129
The mission of this club is to create a love and respect for comic books. Students will learn about the history of both comic book characters and the publishers. We will discuss the different metaphors and the real world events that affect comic books. This club gives the participants a way to talk about their love for nerd culture in a friendly environment. Membership is open to all students who are not on Al.
Cultural Diversity Club
Advisor: Mr. Zelig
Meeting Location: Room 128
“Open Space, Open Minds, Open Conversations”
Our mission is to provide opportunities for students to learn about each other’s cultures and to promote a culture of inclusion within Valley Central High School and the VC community at large. We work to break down barriers and stereotypes among students in our school, to create a safe and courageous space for students to talk about their experiences, and to host fun and inclusive events that engage students in learning about each other’s identities. All students are welcome.
The CDC is a space…
…where human rights are respected.
…where people can feel safe talking about how they feel.
…for anyone who is curious about others’ experiences and cultures.
…where people can clear their minds.
…where people can speak openly about how they are treated by others.
…where people can talk about their identities.
…where people have respectful conversations about “taboo” and
“controversial” topics.
English Honor Society (VCEHS)
Advisor: Ms. Menendez
Meeting Location: North Cafeteria
The National English Honor Society was founded several years ago by Sigma Tau Delta at Northern Illinois University. It is the only national organization exclusively for high school students who, in the field of English, merit special note for their past and current accomplishments.
In Order to be selected – the members must have achieved at least a “90” overall in all subjects, as well as a “90” average in English for 9th and 10th grade. Students first become eligible to join in the fall of their junior year.
This group will pledge the National English Honor Society motto which is “Duty goes with Honor.” Service to peers, school and community are part and parcel of this mission. At Valley Central, National English Honor Society members perform their school service and duty through their active membership and participating in at least one of the following activities relating to language and literature: the school newspaper – The Viking Voice, the school literary magazine – Revelation, the school yearbook – The Viking Log, through tutoring, helping at the book fairs or through various outreach opportunities that we have available in our community and middle school.
Environmental Club
Advisors: Ms. Bilodeau & Ms. Presti
Meeting Location: Room 98
Mission/Goals Statement: The Environmental Club is a year-long club designed to foster an appreciation for the natural world and to get students involved in creating a more sustainable school and community. The club will embrace both a scientific and artistic perspective. Combined, the club will be more effective at promoting awareness and enacting change. Club goals include: creating and displaying art made from recyclables to bring awareness, setting waste reduction goals in school, creating a school vegetable garden, community clean up, and providing environmental education.
For the Animals
Advisor: Mrs. Morris
Meeting Location: Room 99
“For the Animals” provides service to the Humane Society of Walden for the animals in their care. Students help fundraise with the proceeds or goods and services benefiting the humane society. Our Annual Food and Supply Drive is held every October. We also assist the shelter with their fundraising and community events. Some students volunteer at the Humane Society of Walden to help out at the shelter as well.
French Honor Society
Advisor: Mrs. Vasquez
Meeting Location: Room 203
We provide the service of tutoring to students in the lower level French classes. We try to put French culture into the school, i.e. a French movie night, French signs; and increase enrollments for the French classes. We have numerous activities throughout the year, i.e. bowling, French soirée, French excursion to NYC or Montréal. We do some fundraising for scholarships for our graduating members. If you are a member of good standing throughout your membership you can purchase a tri-colored cord for graduation.
Future Business Leaders of America (FRBLA)
Advisor: Mrs. Himmel
Meeting Location: Room 101
Future Business Leaders of America is a nationally recognized organization that prepares students for careers in business. The club explores different topics in 21st Century accounting, finance, marketing, and management. We compete in both local and state competitions while also hosting several fundraisers each year. This club is open to all students.
Future Teachers Club
Advisor: Mrs. Rilley
Meeting Location: Room 118
The VCHS Future Teachers Club explores the many different careers that are possible in the education field. We have expert guest speakers to answer questions about getting into the field. We have clubs that we work with at Walden Elementary School so that kids get hands-on experience with teaching. We created and sponsored an Art Club for second graders at Walden Elementary last year that was designed and run by students. We have Shadow a Teacher and teacher mentor programs that allow students to live life as a teacher for a day in all buildings and levels across the district. We also have local colleges come to discuss their program options for future educators! Whether you want to be a teacher, guidance counselor, speech pathologist, school social worker, or a number of other education professionals, this is the club for you! All grade levels are welcome!
GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network)
Advisor: Ms. Speranzo
Meeting Location: Library
Mission: GLSEN aims to educate our school community to help people better understand the LGBTQ+ community and to honor our shared humanity respectfully and compassionately. GLSEN is a safe space which creates a supportive link between the LGBTQ+ community and allies alike. Club events and activities include: monthly meetings, student created presentations and activities, No Name-Calling Week, guest speakers and collaboration with other school clubs.
Gradus Honoris
Advisors: Mrs. Oakes and Mrs. Wirth
Location: North Cafeteria
Gradus Honoris is our local branch of the National Honor Society. It is a service organization based upon the four pillars of the National Honor Society: Scholarship, Service, Character and Leadership. Students in Gradus Honoris work throughout the year within the school and our local community to help through tutoring programs and volunteering.
Students who have an overall average of 92 or better by the second semester of their junior year are invited to apply for acceptance into Gradus Honoris. Applicants will be expected to be active members in their community and school and be able to demonstrate a willingness to help and be of service throughout the year.
HOSA Future Health Professionals
Advisor: Mrs. Thayer
Meeting Location: Room 210
HOSA is an international student organization geared toward students interested in working in health related professions (doctors, nurses, researchers, etc.) with the mission to promote career opportunities in the healthcare industry. Being a member of the HOSA club will help students to develop leadership skills, public speaking skills, and collaboration skills that can help them find a successful career in healthcare. Through HOSA, students will be provided with numerous volunteer opportunities, lessons on various medical topics, and opportunities to explore what medical professions and what they have to offer. Students will also be offered the opportunity to compete in competitions that have competitive events focused on various different healthcare programs. This will allow students from all grades interested in the medical field to connect and build lasting relationships with each other as well as health professionals that can help them be successful in their career path. All are welcome to join and take part in the extensive medical experiences HOSA has to offer.
Interact Club
Advisor: Mrs. Himmel
Meeting Location:Room 101
The Interact Club is a volunteer organization that works with the local Rotary Club. Our goal is to support the community with Food, Coat and Shoe drives throughout the school year. We also work very closely with the Backpack Snack Attack Program in our district.
Jazz Band
Advisor: Mrs. Budryk
Meeting Location: Band Room
Jazz Band is made up of 20-25 advanced instrumentalists. Placement in this group is by audition only. The ensemble meets weekly to practice. Jazz Band provides highly motivated young musicians the unique opportunity to perform in a professional-caliber jazz ensemble. The VCHS Jazz Band shall also nurture our most talented musicians at VC with the goals of:
- Educating student musicians in the musical styles of Jazz, Blues, Big Band, Swing, Latin, Funk and Rock
- Raising musicianship to the highest levels of excellence
- Rehearsing and performing weekly to ensure excellence
- Gaining a broad range of performance experience
- Expanding educational opportunities outside of the classroom
- Creating a professional foundation for lifelong musical growth
- Representing their community through wholesome entertainment
- Supporting their community with live public performances free of charge at charitable and neighborhood events
Math Honor Society
Advisor: Mrs. Pasquino and Mrs. Zouzias
Meeting Location: North Cafeteria
Must meet specific requirements to qualify to apply for membership. Students must have completed Algebra I Regents and Geometry Regents. Students must have a minimum overall Math average of 90%. At least one faculty google form recommendation must be submitted and members must be taking a Math class in order to maintain membership. Each member is required to tutor at least twice a month.
Math Team (DUSO League)
Advisors: Ms. Bannon & Mr. Stout
Meeting Location: On and/or Off campus based on schedule determined in early October at DUSO League Advisor Meeting.
Open to students in grades 10 to 12 who have completed at least Regents Geometry (preferred). Multiple teams of five students compete against other schools in five timed competitions, each consisting of four rounds. Students will be asked random, unique questions from Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 and above topics. Use of technology or calculators is prohibited. Each student gets an individual score in the first three rounds of a competition which then becomes part of a team score that they are assigned to. The fourth round of the competition is a team question that is either a relay or group questions. Individuals/teams can qualify for competition at the sectional or state level based on performance on the questions throughout the season. A Google Classroom page that contains study guide-type information for students and specific competition day/location details will be shared.
Mock Trial
Advisor: Mrs. Rilley
Meeting Location: Room 118
Have you ever thought about being a lawyer? Are you passionate about justice in America? Do you have an interest in acting? VC Mock Trial might be just the club for you! The New York State High School Mock Trial Program is a joint venture of The New York Bar Foundation, the New York State Bar Association, and the Law, Youth and Citizenship Program. This year, we will have a criminal case! You will have the opportunity to collaborate with your peers to compete in the NYS Mock Trial tournament. We will meet early in the year once a month and in February, meetings will take place in the evenings, subject to attorney availability. You will get to work with a local lawyer who can give you a bird’s eye view of the legal profession! All grade levels are welcome!
Morgan’s Message
Advisors: Mrs. Murphy
Meeting Location: Room 204
Morgan’s Message is a club for people who are passionate about mental health and social emotional learning. We aim to normalize conversations surrounding mental health and manage the pressure put on us by athletics, academics, and stressors in life. The goal of Morgan’s Message is to empower those who suffer in silence and support those who feel alone. Together we can help break the stigma surrounding mental health!
Advisors: Mr. DeVoe and Mr. Glodich
Meeting Location: Auditorium/Chorus Room
Auditions are held at the end of October for the show that is selected by the director. Cast posting is prior to Thanksgiving break and full rehearsals begin in January through production, which is generally the weekend before spring break. Students who are chosen for the cast are required to fund raise, provide costumes and attend rehearsals weekly in order to ensure the show’s success. Set building begins in January and occurs each Saturday from 8 a.m. to Noon until the production date. Any student who would like to help with set building is invited to attend. Audition information is generally posted early October – all students are welcome to audition.
National Art Honor Society (NART)
Advisor: Mrs. Machuca
Meeting Location: Room 97
The National Art Honor Society, otherwise known as NART, is an organization consisting of the best and brightest artists of Valley Central High School. The top students of each teacher are nominated at the end of each school and inducted at the Festival of the Arts in May. Throughout the school year these students hold fundraisers to raise money for scholarships, contribute to the community through storefront paintings and murals, go on a bus trip to Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC on a Saturday and run workshops where they teach one another art skills they are interested in. They hosted their first annual Color Run that they hope to continue annually. It was a great success! They are always looking for new and exciting ways to promote the arts throughout the school and the community!
National Social Studies Honor Society (Rho Kappa)
Advisors: Ms. Rose & Mr. LaVallie
Meeting Location: North Cafeteria
Valley Central High School’s chapter of Rho Kappa, the National Social Studies Honor Society is a part of the national organization which recognizes juniors and seniors and encourages an interest in, an understanding of, and appreciation for the social studies through leadership, civil projects and school and community service.
Students must have a minimum overall average of 85 AND an average of 90 in all Social Studies courses to qualify for membership. Members must complete at least 5 hours of yearly service, attendance at a local community meeting, as well as social studies projects done throughout the year.
Pep Band
Advisor: Mr. Walker
Meeting Location: Band Room
The VC Pep Band is a group that performs popular and marching music for sporting and community events. Students rehearse weekly throughout the year in order to prepare for events such as football games, basketball games, and events throughout the community such as Memorial Day parade. Students of any grade who play an instrument are welcome to join!
Photo Club
Advisor: Mrs. Machuca
Meeting Location: Room 97
Photo Club is an extra-curricular group at Valley Central High School where the students work together to capture the memories and special moments of the school year. They strive to participate and attend various school events to take photographs in order to commemorate the special occasions. Their goal is to be able to make a mural of photographs to put on display for the entire school to enjoy. They join forces with the PTA and the annual craft fair to take photographs of children, family and friends along with Santa Claus. We have also done an annual Valentine’s photo booth the last few years that we hope to continue! They also try to participate and volunteer for some type of community service activity to give back to the community.
Advisors: Mrs. Morris & Ms. Speranzo
Meeting Location: Room 99
Revelation is a literary and arts magazine that is proudly put together by a staff of Valley Central High School students. The magazine is a compilation of high school students’ original work that includes poetry, short stories, artwork and photography. The students have been designing and putting out this annual magazine since the 1970’s with much success. Meetings are generally on Wednesdays during post-session in Room 99; however, during the first and second quarters, we only meet monthly. Starting in January, we will begin meeting every Wednesday. Students should listen to morning announcements for meeting dates.
Scabbard & Blade Club
Advisor: Christopher Spencer
Meeting Location: Room 139
Junior Membership is open to active Valley Central JROTC students. Students must consistently exemplify the Five Star Qualities and have taken a pledge to gain more information about gaining a college education. Additionally, students must be in good standing with both the school and the JROTC Company.
Distinguished Junior Membership is only open to students who are currently active Junior Members in S&B. Junior Members must either currently be in, or about to be in, their Junior or Senior year. Either one of the following qualifications must also be met before being allowed membership:
Junior Members must be ranked in the top 20% of their academic year class (commander’s order of merit listing). Junior Members must achieve and maintain a Grade Point Average (GPA) set by the discretion of the JROTC unit commander. The minimum requirement must be a 3.0 or higher.
Science Club
Advisor: Mrs. Thayer
Meeting Location: Room 210
The Science Club aims to plan and participate in events geared toward bringing science to life outside of the traditional classroom setting for our members and the greater Valley Central Community. Science Club members will participate in and plan events for the greater Valley Central Community surrounding scientific concepts important to our members. Science Club members will also explore and analyze scientific concepts in our daily life and organize and facilitate fundraising activities. This is open to all VCHS students.
Science Honor Society
Advisor: Mrs. LaBarbera
Meeting Location: Room 207 unless otherwise indicated
The Valley Central High School’s Science Honor Society is the STANYS-supported New York State Science Honor Society. We work on community service projects. Every year, the members make videos about science subjects for elementary-level students and we distribute these videos to our local elementary schools. Some years, we invite scientists to give a presentation about science-related careers.
Outside our school district, we take part in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. We raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. We also participate in science tutoring, science olympiad events as well as the Montgomery Clean Sweep Event.
To qualify for membership, a candidate must have successfully completed at least three courses of high school Regents level science classes with an average and Regents Exam grade of 90 or higher for either Environmental Science or Earth Science, or with an average and Regents Exam grade of 85 or higher for either Chemistry or Physics. Current tenth graders may be eligible by the end of the year if they have completed Regents level science courses in eighth and ninth grade.
A payment of $15.00 for dues is required at the beginning of the school year for new members only. Dues are to cover the registration fees with the New York State Science Honor Society, the supplies we need for various programs, and the cost of the senior cords.
Once accepted, the status of each member will be re-evaluated at the beginning and end of the school year. To maintain membership in the Science Honor Society, all members are required to successfully complete a minimum of four years of high school Regents Science courses and participate in all required services and science activities. If a member has completed four years of regents level high school courses by the end of the junior year and chooses not to take a science course in the senior year, he/she may retain membership.
Science Olympiad
Advisors: Mrs. LaBarbera
Meeting Location: Room 207 unless otherwise indicated
Science Olympiad is a national organization devoted to the promotion of science education through healthy competition. The competitions have 3 levels: Regional, State, and National. Valley Central is in the Mid-Hudson region. Typically there are about 25-30 teams in the regional competition. The top 4 teams qualify for states. We focus on trying to qualify for states each year, the last qualifying in 2013. We will be doing some fundraisers to help defray the cost of travel.
In competition, teams are a total of 15 members and are allowed up to 7 seniors. Teams can be larger, but only 15 may compete in the competitions. We take a team approach to preparing for the competitions. Usually, about 20-30 students show interest in preparing for the regional. That number usually recedes to about 15-18 as the year progresses. Anyone who is involved with the team who does not get to compete is guaranteed a spot the following year.
Much of the work on the events is done independently. The limited time that post-session provides is not enough to adequately prepare for the events. We will occasionally have evening times to help team members prepare for the competition.
Science Olympiad has a wide range of types of events and a wide variety of skill sets that are needed for a team to be successful. Building, designing, writing, computing, and problem-solving are all part of the 20-plus events that we will be preparing for. There is something for everyone.
Set Design
Advisor: Mrs. Langlitz & Ms. Bilodeau
Meeting Location: Room 100
The Set Design Club will consist of students who are interested in creating sets, scenery and props for the drama productions, Shakespeare club and the musical. The club meets depending on what productions need work and how much work is given to us. There will be field trips and ushering opportunities available to students that expose them to the world of theater and what goes on behind the scenes. There are opportunities to also work on the musical doing stage crew and lighting in the spring. This club is open to all students.
Shakespeare Club
Advisor: Mr. Miller
Meeting Location: Room 135 and Auditorium, specified in production calendar and google classroom on an ongoing basis.
- September & October: Annual fall production rehearses intensely in September and October, and performs late October. Rehearsals for cast members and stage managers is Monday-Thursday, 5pm-8/9pm and Saturday 9am-12pm. Performances are Friday-Saturday 5pm-9pm. All rehearsals and performances are mandatory. Some conflicts can be worked out if known ahead of time and are not in mid to late October.
- November-June: Friday meetings are held throughout the school year after 9th period to determine the next fall’s production. New members welcome any time at these meetings! During this time, auditions for the fall production of the following school year take place.
- May-June: “Tablework” rehearsals and design meetings begin for the fall production. Times and days of week based on actor availability.
- July-Aug: Actors are required to memorize their lines.
If you are interested in joining the Shakespeare Club, email Mr. Miller any time.
Show Choir/Voxtones (A Cappella)
Advisor: Mr. Goldich
Meeting Location: Chorus Room
The Voxtones is an unaccompanied SATB (co-ed) choir that performs contemporary songs with staging and choreography. This choir is similar to groups seen in the Pitch Perfect trilogy and shows like The Sing Off. Auditions are held in September each year. Students volunteer to arrange and teach our annual repertoire. Students who participate in this choir must commit to two concerts, other performances throughout the community, and may choose to attend our annual competition in the spring.
Ski and Snowboard Club
Advisor: Mr. Gunther
Meeting Location: Will be announced in Google Classroom
The Ski and Snowboard club is ready to get you outside this winter! Whether you already know how to ski/snowboard, or you want to learn, this club is for you. New and beginner members are welcome. Look out for our flyers this fall and join our google classroom. We will have planning meetings and then take a number of weekday and weekend trips to the mountain. This is a great group of winter enthusiasts and we would love to have you as part of our community.
Spanish Honor Society
Advisor: Mrs. Hernandez and Mrs. Portillo
Meeting Location: Check Google Classroom
The Spanish Honor Society is an academic honor society that incorporates learning a new language as well as learning about the various Spanish speaking cultures. Acknowledging other cultures exposes students to the world around them. Members of the honor society are dedicated to promoting world language learning. Included in SHS activities are tutoring and the popular Sweetheart Serenades. Members of the Honor Society recognize the World Language Department for guiding them through their high school world language journey. Please contact Mrs. Geiger regarding requirements for membership.
Student Government Association (SGA)
Advisor: Mrs. Pasquino and Ms. Farrugia
Meeting Location: Room 228
SGA is an elected group of Seniors, responsible for planning events for the entire student body. We undertake special community service projects and fundraisers. SGA members meet bi-weekly, once we finish planning the school’s Homecoming events. We also offer financial support to a wide range of activities that benefit the school community. Some of our outreach projects have included contributing to food drives during the holiday months, collecting winter apparel (donated to local teen and adult homes), sponsoring families for their celebrated holidays over winter break, fundraising within the school for leukemia foundation, and showing appreciation to teachers and staff during Teacher Appreciation week. We look forward to planning and organizing new events each year that help bring our school community together.
Today’s Students – Tomorrow’s Teacher
Advisor: Mrs. Parker
Location: Room 137
Students must complete the interview process in order to be eligible to join this club. A parent/student information session will be held at the high school at the beginning of the school year. Eligible TSTT students will receive assistance with select college admission and tuition. This program offers SAT Prep, Tutor Training, Career Counseling, High School/College Mentor, and much more.
Some student commitments are to maintain good academic standing, 2 hours per week of tutoring, complete 20 hour summer internship, attend TSTT regional workshops, complete job shadowing and promise to teach in a participating school district for one year upon receipt of teaching credential.
The TSTT mission is to recruit, mentor, and train culturally diverse and economically challenged students from high school through college and place them as effective educators and committed leaders who strengthen schools and communities.
Tri-M Music Honor Society
Advisor: Mr. Glodich
Meeting Location: Chorus Room
This is a student chapter that is affiliated with the National Tri-M Music Honor Society organization. Students must submit an application in October and meet strict guidelines to acquire membership. Once inducted to this honor society they become lifelong members. As high school members, students must fulfill a minimum of 10 volunteer/service hours back to the community in the form of music involvement. For example, students sing in their church choirs, volunteer to help with district wide concerts as ushers, or tutor younger performers to help with individual instrumental skills and/or music theory skills. Members are required to attend/participate/volunteer at the annual variety show held in the spring.
VALKYRIES (A Cappella)
Advisor: Mr. Glodich
Meeting Location: Chorus Room
The Valkyries is an unaccompanied treble (female voiced) choir that performs contemporary songs with staging and choreography. This choir is similar to groups seen in the Pitch Perfect trilogy and shows like The Sing Off. Auditions are held in September each year. Students volunteer to arrange and teach our annual repertoire. Students who participate in this choir must commit to two concerts, other performances throughout the community, and may choose to attend our annual competition in the spring.
VC Dream/SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions)
Advisors: Mrs. Benjamin
Meeting Location: Room 125
VC DREAM is a local chapter of SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) where members learn how to make healthy decisions and empower other students to live their best lives. We are an Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) prevention group run by students who plan events and activities throughout the year. We sponsor Sober Night Out (Open Mic) each year and provide information to students about the dangers of drug use and the importance of making healthy decisions. We meet twice monthly, usually on Thursdays. This club is open to all students.
V.C.H.S. Book Club
Book Talk
Adviser: Antoinette Oakes
Meeting Location: Library
The V.C.H.S Book Club is a club that looks to enrich learning by supplementing and complementing the readings done in the school curriculum. It is for all students who love to read and who love to discuss their readings with others. In addition to fostering a love for reading, we hope to expose students to diverse types of literature, and to encourage respectful discussions around expressive topics. The goal is for members to step out of their comfort zone and read and discuss books they have never read before. Ultimately, this will allow them to make connections between literature and the real world. We strive to create a space where students are able to have light hearted and/or serious conversations on topics covered in the selected books. We welcome students from all grade levels.
Viking Voice
Advisor: Mrs. Zanos
Meeting Location: Room 126
The Viking Voice is our school newspaper which we hope to produce several times throughout the year. We need an editor, staff writers, and photographers. If you have thoughts about a future career in journalism, the school paper is a great way to get some experience. The Mass Media and Journalism Elective works on the school paper in class, but students from all grade levels are welcome to join even if you are not in the class.
Volunteer Club of Valley Central (VCofVC)
Advisor: Mrs. Hernandez
Meeting Location: Room 201
The Valley Central Volunteer Club’s mission is for students to be involved in the community (both local and school based) through service activities. We hope to encourage the active civic involvement of students in the school. We have a minimum requirement of 10 hours per school year to remain an active member.
The Volunteer Club helps out the elementary schools in our district, as well as local community events. We enjoy taking on many projects and offering as many volunteer opportunities as possible.
On-going volunteer work and meeting dates are on the calendar outside of room 201, as well as posted in our VCofVC Google Classroom. Volunteer opportunity sign-ups are always posted in Google Classroom – stop by room 201 to get our code to join! All students are welcome.
We Inspire Strength and Empowerment (W.I.S.E.)
Advisor: Mrs. Stoll
Meeting Location: Room 107
The W.I.S.E. Club gives a safe space for the students of Valley Central to work to build up and empower the young women of our school. Together, we will work on leadership skills, career and resume advancement, networking, healthy relationships, building self-confidence, and financial management skills. Any student at Valley Central High School is encouraged to join this club.
Yearbook/Viking Log
Advisors: Ms. Enea
Meeting Schedule: Every day 9th period
Meeting Location: Computer Lab
The yearbook staff is composed of students in grades 10-12 who are managed by student editors. They meet every day 9th period to collaborate and often work independently, as well. The application process for new staff members takes place every spring.
Youth in Government
Advisors: Mrs. Rilley
Meeting Location: Room 118, post session (day to be determined)
Youth in Government (YIG) gives students the chance to learn first hand about the democratic process! Students participate in mock conventions, student run elections, and also shadow elected officials from the local to national levels of government. YIG is open to all students grades 9-12. We have an official sign up and introductory meeting and then hold meetings after that time. Meanwhile, students work in groups formulating platforms or arguments. There are 2 field trips associated with this club. Members travel to other schools for a Platform Convention where “planks” are debated and voted on and a Steering Convention where candidates campaign for Federal, State and County offices!
The objectives of this program are:
- To strive for maximum understanding of, and party participation in county government by the future voter and office holder of America.
- To acquaint the student with the election procedure of Orange County, including basic concepts involving nominating, campaigning, office holding and voting.
- To give the student insight into the duties of their elected Federal, State, County and local officials.
- To encourage students to attack problems in an orderly manner, to weigh the opinions of others, and then decide on a course of action.
- To teach students the correct use of Parliamentary Procedure.
- To develop a clearer concept of the importance of the individual’s role in the election process in a democratic society.