Valley Central School District
Elementary School Homework Philosophy
The purpose for assigning homework is to give students the opportunity to extend lessons, practice skills, engage in critical thinking and develop good work habits. Homework provides an opportunity to develop personal responsibility and study skills, including good organization, self-reliance, and time management skills. Homework can also serve as one form of communication between the teacher and the family. It is up to the student, family, teacher and administrators to share the responsibilities for homework. Homework is an important part of each student’s academic success.
Student’s Responsibilities:
- To understand all homework or projects assigned by the teacher (ask the teacher for more information if the assignment is unclear).
- To communicate their understanding of the assigned homework to family members.
- To gather all materials necessary to complete assignments before leaving the classroom (Including planners, homework charts, and other homework resources).
- To complete all assignments to the best of his/her ability.
- To return materials and assignments on time.
- To make up any missed homework that the teacher requires.
Family’s Responsibilities:
- To provide a routine and environment that is conducive to doing homework (i.e. a quiet and consistent place and time, necessary materials, etc.).
- To monitor that your child has put forth an honest effort; which includes editing to the best of their ability.
- To offer assistance when needed, while still encouraging independence.
- To notify the teacher when homework presents a problem.
- To read school notices and respond/sign in a timely manner.
- Regular backpack clean-ups can be useful in helping students to organize their materials.
Teacher’s Responsibilities:
- To provide targeted/purposeful homework.
- To provide clear directions and instructions.
- To implement a system for routinely checking homework.
- Homework will be graded at the discretion of the teachers and/or grade level teams.
- To recognize the importance of socialization and physical activity. Students should not miss recess on a repetitive basis due to lack of homework completion. When possible, other solutions should be investigated.
- To communicate with families when students are not consistently completing assignments.
Administrator’s Responsibilities
- To assist in the dissemination and implementation of the elementary homework policy to all teachers, parents, guardians and students.
- To help explain, clarify, and interpret all parts of the philosophy and to assist in the mediation of disputes regarding homework practices.
Homework includes reading every night as we help each student develop the habit of being a lifelong reader. Written assignments over the course of a week may include a balance of assignments in other content areas such as writing, spelling, math, social studies, science, and long-term projects. When given a long term project, other written assignments may be lessened.
Reading homework is for families and children to spend time together with books. This may mean parents and family members reading aloud to children.
Suggested Time Allotments for Homework
Valley Central understands that the amount of time it takes each student to complete homework assignments will vary. The following chart indicates what we believe is a suggested amount of time for children in each grade to spend on homework. If your child diligently does his/her homework to the best of their ability and does not complete it, you may write a note to the teacher explaining the situation. If this is an on-going problem, please make arrangements to talk to the teacher. If your child thoroughly and neatly completes the homework very quickly and you believe that your child needs additional homework, extra reading or writing, or additional practice with mathematics skills, please consult with your child’s teacher.
Grade | Reading (Minimum) | Written (Maximum) |
Kindergarten | 15 minutes | 10 minutes |
First | 15 minutes | 15 minutes |
Second | 15 minutes | 15 minutes |
Third | 20 minutes | 20 minutes |
Fourth | 20 minutes | 25 minutes |
Fifth | 20 minutes | 30 minutes |
*We encourage families and children to read together and discuss literature in all grade levels!