Non-Instructional Employment Opportunities

Non-Instructional Positions

Paraprofessional – Classroom and Special Education Positions
Apply through OLAS by clicking on this Job Title Link


Custodial Positions

Apply through OLAS by clicking on this Job Title Link

Non-Instructional Applicants:

Any Current Valley Central Employee may send a letter of interest in a position to Human Resources. 

  • Valley Central Non-Instructional Application(if having trouble with the Google form application, you can request a non-instructional application here by email:
  • Letters of interest must be received in the district office by regular mail or in-person by the close of business on the date indicated on the posting.


  • Home Tutor: P/T Flexible Hours, $48.00/hr. non-certified.  This position is assisting students with the Core subjects, who are out of school for varying reasons.  Address letters of interest to Kimberly Jones