COVID-19 Health Protocols for 2022-2023

COVID-19 Health Protocols for 2022-2023 can be found on this page.  The link is located on our Health Services page.

Former VCSD Superintendent James T. Coonan Has Passed

James T. Coonan, VCSD Superintendent from August 1986 through August 1992 passed away on  Saturday, August 20, 2022 in Orwigsburg, PA.   Jim Coonan was superintendent at the time of the East Coldenham tragedy.  He was also the superintendent for a bond project that resulted in major updates to the high school cafeteria, library, classrooms,  and …

Safety at Valley Central

  School safety is a top concern for parents around the country as we recover from not only another tragic school shooting, but a string of senseless mass shootings around our country.     At Valley Central, a recent threat made by an elementary student has brought the discussion of school safety to the forefront. Interim …

Suggested Summer Reading Lists Available

Suggested Summer Reading Lists are now available.  Click here for the list of High School Summer Reading Suggestions Click here for the list of Middle School Summer Reading Suggestions Click here for the list of  Elementary Summer Reading Suggestions  

The Importance of Engaging Children Over the Summer Months

Continuing to provide students with engaging activities and opportunities to practice skills is of great importance during the summer months. Summer learning has a real impact on both academic and social-emotional development. It provides structure to children’s summer experiences, making it more likely that they’ll stay engaged and focused. It also keeps their academic skills …

Walden Elementary School Field Day

Walden Elementary students really enjoyed Field Day at Bradley Park! WES held their Field Day in 3 sessions. The WES PTO provided team shirts for the students and faculty. Hannaford provided ice pops for each day. View the Facebook album here of their field day.