New Superintendent Selected

The Valley Central Board of Education is pleased to announce the anticipated appointment of Evette Avila as our new Superintendent of Schools on Monday, November 14th.  Ms. Avila’s extensive knowledge and professional background, along with her strong beliefs regarding communication, serving the community and unity made her the unanimous choice of the Board of Education. The board’s …

Valley Central Education Foundation to Host 9th Annual Harvest Award Ceremony

The VCEF 9th Annual Harvest Award Ceremony will be November 2nd at 5:00 PM. This year’s honorees are Barbara Hackett and Eric Guarneri. Teacher Grant recipients will also be announced. It will be held at The Table, 73 Clinton Street, Montgomery. The cost is $50/seat if reserved prior to November 2nd and $60/seat at the …

Steam and Manufacturing Day

  Saturday, October 29th, 2022 11:00am-3:00pm Valley Central High School (Football Field) Events: DEP Aviation Unit Landing: 11:00am DEP Aviation Take off:  3:00pm Bb Racing Off Road Truck Colleges Technical Schools Local Manufacturers Food Trucks Live Music Admission is FREE.  

“Rainbow Fentanyl” Threatens Community

We are sharing this information from USArmy CID regarding “rainbow fentanyl”.  This rainbow-colored fentanyl (which looks like skittles, sweet tarts, etc.) threatens all of our communities.      Please take a moment to review this important information.    Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50-100 times stronger than morphine. Pharmaceutical  fentanyl was developed for …

Letter from Superintendent Regarding Fire Drill on September 16th

September 19th, 2022   Dear Parents/Community Members: We have received several inquiries concerning the fire alarm on Friday. Initially an alarm at the Middle School was triggered and the indication was the code for a possible gas leak. Because the high school and the middle school are connected, both buildings are evacuated when an alarm …

Viking Athletic Gear Located on Website

Many of our athletic teams host athletic gear stores.  They are posted to our Facebook page and are located on this page on our website:  Viking Athletic Gear The stores all have deadlines, so be sure to check the page frequently. 

COVID-19 Health Protocols for 2022-2023

COVID-19 Health Protocols for 2022-2023 can be found on this page.  The link is located on our Health Services page.

Federal Free Meal Program Has Ended – School Meals Price Same as 2019-20 School Year

The federal program that provided free meals to all students during the last two school years has not been renewed for the 2022/2023 school year.  Therefore, there will be a cost for meals which will be the same as in the 2019/2020 school year.   Elementary breakfast will be $1.85, lunch $2.85. Middle School and High …

Former VCSD Superintendent James T. Coonan Has Passed

James T. Coonan, VCSD Superintendent from August 1986 through August 1992 passed away on  Saturday, August 20, 2022 in Orwigsburg, PA.   Jim Coonan was superintendent at the time of the East Coldenham tragedy.  He was also the superintendent for a bond project that resulted in major updates to the high school cafeteria, library, classrooms,  and …