BOE Approves School Calendar for 2024-2025

The Board of Education approved the VCSD 2024-2025 School Calendar at their March 4, 2024 meeting.   The calendar is posted on the website on our Calendar page.   

VCMS 2023-24 Quarter 2 Honor Roll

Valley Central Middle School 2023-24 Quarter 2 Honor Roll Grade 6: Sa’myah Abraham, Declan Agostino, Sophia Alshabibi, Carol Andino Vasquez, Ava Archer, Emily Begley, Brenna Benson, Emily Benson, Troy Berlt, Adiyif Berzegova, Hunter Bliss, Liam Boyce, Annabelle Branon, Kellen Bresnick, Arianna Briones, Kourtney Brown, Isabella Bua, Kyla Buckner, Darius Caballero, Autumn Caro, Alexander Carr, Andrew …

UPK Applications Will Be Accepted Beginning January 25th

The UPK Application for 2024-2025 opens on Thursday, January 25th. To request an application, email and one will be sent to you. (Be sure to include all required information listed on this webpage:…/universal-pre-kindergarten/ Applications will be accepted from January 25th – March 22nd at 4PM. (An application may be requested at any time. …

Emergency Closing Information

With winter weather quickly approaching, we want to ensure that you stay informed about any potential school delays or closures. School closures and two-hour delays will be promptly communicated via phone message, email, the Valley Central School District website, and local news stations. Please check the following stations: News 12, Spectrum News Hudson Valley, WPDH, …

VCMS 2023-24 Quarter 1 Honor Roll

Valley Central Middle School 2023-24 Quarter 1 Honor Roll Grade 6: Sa’myah Abraham, Sophia Alshabibi, Carol Andino Vasquez, Ava Archer, Odin Basic, Emily Begley, Brenna Benson, Emily Benson, Troy Berlt, Hunter Bliss, Annabelle Branon, Kellen Bresnick, Arianna Briones, Kourtney Brown, Kyla Buckner, Darius Caballero, Autumn Caro, Alexander Carr, Andrew Carr, Gracie Carsley, Robinson Castro, Jackson …

Free Meals for Students Beginning on December 1st

The USDA published a final rule in the Federal Register on September 26, 2023, to expand access to the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) by lowering the minimum identified student percentage (ISP)1 participation threshold from 40 percent to 25 percent. The rule gives more high-need schools the option to elect CEP and offer all students healthy …

VCMS Parent/Teacher Conference Scheduling

October 2023 Dear Parents/Guardians: Our upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on the evening of Monday, November 20th from 6:00pm to 8:30 pm and Tuesday, November 21st from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Monday evening families will be able to schedule an IN PERSON conference from 6:00pm to 7:20pm and VIRTUAL from 7:30pm to 8:30pm.  Tuesday’s conferences …

Parent Teacher Conferences

Dear Valley Central Families, Parent teacher conferences are an optimum opportunity to engage with your child’s teacher(s) regarding their education. Valley Central’s parent teacher conferences are being held in the evening on Monday, November 20, 2023 and during the day on Tuesday, November 21, 2023. This school year we will continue to make parent teacher …