VCHS 2023-24 Quarter 1 Honor Roll

Valley Central High School 2023-24 Quarter 1 Honor Roll   9th Grade Abdiel Rosario-Grullon, Abigail Segrich, Aedan Caro, Aidan Benson, Aidan Gonzalez, Aiden Suchy, Aiden Wright, Alden Petermann, Alejandro Coyopol, Alexa Fowler, Alexander Guzman, Alexandra Williamson, Alice Mooney, Amelia Schoenherr, Amethyst Maldonado, Andrew Chen, Anthony Ramos, Ariana Melton, Ashton Ewald, Ashton Olonko, Ava Encarnacion, Ava …

Free Meals for Students Beginning on December 1st

The USDA published a final rule in the Federal Register on September 26, 2023, to expand access to the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) by lowering the minimum identified student percentage (ISP)1 participation threshold from 40 percent to 25 percent. The rule gives more high-need schools the option to elect CEP and offer all students healthy …

VCHS Math Team Participates at First Competition

The VCHS Math Team traveled to Monticello on October 25th for their first competition of the year against teams from Monticello, Middletown, Pine Bush, and Fallsburg.  While the Pine Bush A Team won the overall competition, the VC A team (consisting of Adam Elkashef, Mary Barry, Kaitlyn Sepulveda, Caitlyn Yeaple, and Patricia Montero) was the highest …

Parent Teacher Conferences

Dear Valley Central Families, Parent teacher conferences are an optimum opportunity to engage with your child’s teacher(s) regarding their education. Valley Central’s parent teacher conferences are being held in the evening on Monday, November 20, 2023 and during the day on Tuesday, November 21, 2023. This school year we will continue to make parent teacher …

Your Child’s Attendance and Illness

Please visit the Health Services page for information about attendance and illness as well as the current guidance from the Orange County Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to schools on COVID-19 for the 2023/2024 School Year. Our health services page can be located here:

Welcome Back VCHS!

  We hope that you and your family have had an enjoyable and peaceful summer vacation. We trust that your student is well-rested, recharged, and ready for a new school year.  As a reminder, the 2023-2024 school year begins on Wednesday, September 6, 2023.  During the first week of school, students will report to a …