Our Hearts Are Saddened

A Letter from Superintendent John Xanthis to the Valley Central Community:  May 25, 2022 Dear Valley Central Community, It is with deep sadness that I write to you today regarding the tragic incident that occurred yesterday in a Texas elementary school. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who have been irreparably …

Please Talk with Your Teenager About Vaping

Schools and healthcare professionals have seen significant increases in the use of vaping amongst teens. Exposure to these chemicals is increasingly becoming more dangerous. Parents and educators must continually educate themselves on the risks associated with these behaviors. Resources are available at the school, at the county, and at the national level. Please take time …

Test to Stay At Valley Central

NYSDOH supports “Test To Stay” (TTS) as a strategy that allows asymptomatic, unvaccinated, school based close contacts (e.g. students, teachers, school staff) to avoid school exclusion (but not other restrictions of quarantine) by testing negative through serial testing using rapid NAAT or antigen tests during a seven-day period following exposure. The Orange County Department of …

NYS Digital Equity Survey

NYS Digital Equity Survey To collectively serve students, families, and educators, it is imperative that districts and the New York State Education Department have, and maintain, an updated, accurate, complete picture of the state of digital equity for each individual student.  Therefore, the NYS Education Department is requiring that a short 9-question Digital Equity survey …

Navigating Your Child’s Social Media

Sourav Sengupta, a University of Buffalo professor and an expert in child and adolescent mental health, says “our children will need to grow up to find a reasonable way to incorporate, tolerate and utilize social technologies in their lives”.   Trusted adults can support young people is by setting age- and developmentally appropriate boundaries. He suggests …