Federal Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations and American Rescue Plan Act Funding

Federal Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplement Appropriations Act (CRRSA) and American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act

  • Federal emergency funds that were given to a State or Local Education Agency in response to COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Funded through two grants: and ESSR 2
  • Can be used for a wide range of activities to address the needs of individual school districts arising from or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic including: 
    • Responding to students’ social, emotional, and mental health needs (SEL)
    • Academic needs
    • Funding additional staff
    • Facility repairs, improvements, and supplies to sanitize buildings
    • Ventilation improvements
    • Health and safety

What is the American Rescue Plan (APR) Act?

  • Federal emergency funds that were given to a State or Local Education Agency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Funded through the APR-ESSR Grant and requires that districts spend a specific portion of their funding on:
    • Learning loss
    • Summer learning/enrichment
    • Extended Day Programs throughout the school year
  • The remaining funds can be used on the same items as CARES Act Grant:
    • Purchasing of supplies to sanitize/clean buildings
    • Repair and improve school facilities to reduce the risk of COVID transmission
    • Improve indoor air quality
    • Address the needs of Students with Disabilities (SWD’s), low-income families, English Language Learners (ELLs), and racial/ethnic minority students
    • Purchasing educational technology
    • Providing educational technology
    • Providing mental health services and supports
    • Other activities necessary to maintain operations and continuity of services

CRRSA and ARP Grant Funding Uses

  • These Federal emergency funding resources are available for a wide range of activities to address diverse needs arising from the COVID-19 pandemic including responding to students’ social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs.
  • Some uses may be directly focused on health and safety including but not limited to improving ventilation and other HVAC upgrades.
  • Other uses could be used for providing accelerated learning opportunities; implementing rigorous curricula; and funding additional school staff.

What is Valley Central’s Allocation?

  • CRRSA > $3,926,767
  • ARP > $6,332,559

CRRSA Allocation Valley Central’s Proposed Plan for Funds

  • Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSR 2) Fund Allocation – $3,578,926
    • Valley Central’s Proposed Plan:
      • Construction of outdoor pavilions at all of the buildings for outdoor learning space
      • Ventilation/Facility Improvements
  • Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER 2) Fund Allocation – $347,841
    • Valley Central’s Proposed Plan:
      • Desk dividers (recoupment of previous expense)
      • Flexible seating
      • Remodeling of art and woodshop classrooms

*These plans are preliminary and subject to change due to any changes in guidelines, projected costs, and/or NYSED approvals

ARP Funding Allocation Breakdown

  • ARP Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)
    • Valley Central’s Allocation is $6,332,599
    • The total funds allocated to the district are further broken down to be used for specific purposes:
      • $362,345 – State-level reserve summer enrichment grant
      • $362,345 – State-Level reserve comprehensive after-school grant
      • $1,811,673 – State-Level reserve for learning loss
      • $759,247 – Reserve for learning loss (this is 20% of the LEA ARP-ESSER Allocation $3,796,236)
      • $3,036,989 – Any other needs of the district that fall under the grant guidelines

ARP Allocation Valley Central’s Plan for Funds

  • State-level reserve summer enrichment grant ($362,345)
    • The budget proposed is for:
      • Summer Enrichment Program
      • Summer Enrichment Supplied
      • Summer School Teachers and Support Staff
      • Social Emotional Learning Camp Teachers
    • All funds for this grant were expended by 9/30/22 and a FS10F was filed.

*These plans are preliminary and subject to any changes in guidelines, projected costs, and/or NYSED approvals.

ARP Allocation Valley Central’s Plan for Funds (Cont’d)

  • State-level reserve comprehensive after school grant – budget of $362,345
    • Secondary After School Advisors for Social Emotional Support
    • Secondary After School Programs
    • After School Program Supplies
    • Before School Program at Elementary Schools
    • Fitness, Rec, and SEL Intramurals
    • Supplies for Fitness Program
    • $90,669.81 was spent during the 2021 school year

*These plans are preliminary and subject to change due to any changes in guidelines, projected costs, and/or NYSED approvals.

ARP Allocation Valley Central’s Plan for Funds (Cont’d)

  • State-level reserve for learning loss and the LEA Reserve for Learning Loss ($4,339,812)
    • The budget proposed is for a 3 year period ad covers:
      • Summer School Teachers and Support Staff
      • Summer School Supplies
      • Summer School Transportation 
      • Summer Food Service Workers
      • Summer School Food
      • Check and Connect Program 
      • Supplies for Mindfulness Room

*These plans are preliminary and subject to change due to any changes in guidelines, projected costs, and/or NYSED approvals.

ARP Allocation Valley Central’s Plan for Funds (Cont’d)

  • State-level reserve for learning loss and the LEA Reserve for Learning Loss ($4,339,812)
    • The Budget proposed is for 3 year period and covers:
      • Anticipated Staffing
        • 1 elementary school counselor
        • 1 middle school guidance counselor
        • 1 high school social worker
        • 1 HS Attendance teacher
        • 1 PE/Health teacher
        • 1 speech teacher
        • 2 ENL teachers
        • 1 technology teacher starting in 22/23
        • 1 social emotional support specialist
        • 3 special education teachers
        • 1 special education  paraprofessional

*These plans are preliminary and subject to change due to any changes in guidelines, projected costs, and/or NYSED approvals.

ARP Allocation Valley Central’s Proposed Plan for Funds

  • Other needs of the district that fall within the grant guidelines ($1,268,097)
    • Director of safety and emergency preparedness
    • Library books to represent all cultures and races
    • Panorama Survey
    • ADA upgrades to kindergarten playground
    • Portable air conditioners for summer school
    • Tang Math Software
    • Virtual Reality Software
    • Any other District needs

*These plans are preliminary and subject to change due to any changes in guidelines, projected costs, and/or NYSED approvals.

How Valley Central (VC) is Utilizing Grant Funds to Support District Goals

Increase Student Achievement

  • Provide an expanded summer school program for elementary and secondary students
  • Offer new summer enrichment opportunities
  • Add extended day programs
  • Foster a diverse and inclusive culture
  • Provide social emotional  support
  • Expand academic offerings

Attract and Retain a Knowledgeable and Dedicated Staff

  • New school and mental health counselors
  • Additional ENL teachers
  • Additional PE/Health teacher
  • Additional instructional technology teacher
  • Additional special education teachers
  • New Director of Safety
  • New Social Emotional Support Specialist

How Valley Central (VC) is Utilizing Grant Funds to Support District Goals (Cont’d)

Serve as the Cornerstone of the Community

  • Establish partnership based on open communication, trust, and collaboration with the community
  • Maintain high quality schools that are an investment for our community
  • Maintain a welcoming and accessible environment for the whole child, whole staff, and whole community

Maintain and Improve the Facilities to Support Goals 1-3

  • Improve ventilation
  • Facility repairs/upgrades
  • Pavilions to provide additional outdoor classroom space 
  • Flexible seating

Grant Requirements


  • Plan must be submitted to NYSED by July 15th (already submitted)
  • Funding period: can be used for expenses from March 13, 2020 through September 30, 2023


  • Assurance to abide by requirements must be submitted to NYSED by May 24, 2021 (already submitted)
  • Funding period: can be used for expenses from March 13, 2020 through September 30, 2024

VC 21 Meeting- CRRSA and ARP

The Valley Central School District held a Viking 21 meeting on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 6:30 pm at Berea Elementary School.  A Google Form survey is available for public comment.

At this meeting, the District provided an updated spending plan and information on the grants under the Federal Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) and the American Rescue Plan (ARP). 

What is the CRRSA Act? 

Federal emergency funds were given to a State or Local Educational Agency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  They are funded through two grants: GEER 2 and ESSER 2. 

The funding can be used for a wide range of activities to address the needs of the school district which arose or were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.  This range includes funding toward student social-emotional and mental health needs, academic needs, funding additional staff, facility repairs, and improvements and sanitation supplies, ventilation improvements, and health and safety needs. 

Valley Central was granted $3,926,767.  This grant requires the district to spend the money first and then be reimbursed for whatever is spent. 

Approved CRRSA Application

Geer 2

Geer 2 Budget Narrative

Geer 2 FS-10 Document

Geer 2  FS-10A Document

GEER 2 FS-10F Document


ESSER 2 Budget Narrative

ESSER 2 FS-10 Document

ESSER 2 FS-10A Document

CRRSA ESSER FS-10A2 Document



(If you have trouble accessing the application(s)/documents, please email Jennifer Thompson)

The District is seeking input and public comment from parents, teachers and other stakeholders regarding the use of these federal funds. To provide comments please contact either:
Ivelisse Mojica, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
 Brad Conklin, Assistant Superintendent for Business 

What is ARP (American Response Plan) Act? 

Federal emergency funds were given to a State or Local Educational Agency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is funded through the ARP-ESSER Grant and requires that districts spend a specific portion of their funding on learning loss, summer learning and enrichment, and Extended Day programs throughout the school year. 

The remaining funds can be used on the same items as the CARES Act Grant which includes: sanitizing supplies, repairing, and improvement of facilities to reduce the risk of COVID spread, air quality improvement, and addressing the needs of students with disabilities.

Valley Central was granted $6,332,599.  This grant requires the district to spend the money first and then be reimbursed for whatever is spent. 

Valley Central has a 3 Year Plan for Summer programs that include an enrichment program (and supplies), Secondary Summer School faculty and staff, and a Social Emotional Learning camp.  This plan will be carried out in Summer 2021, Summer 2022, and Summer 2023.  This is funded from a state-level grant that is part of the total grant funding from our ARP Allocation. 

Valley Central also has a has plan for after-school programs that include Secondary After School Social-Emotional Support programs at the middle school and high school and includes funding for supplies.  Before School programs are being funded from this grant at our elementary schools.  There is also a Fitness, recreation, and SEL Intramural program, and its supplies are being funded from this program.  This is funded from a state level grant that is part of the total grant funding from our ARP Allocation. 

A portion of the grant is geared to recovering learning loss from the pandemic.  A three-year budget has been developed to cover Elementary Summer School including faculty and staff, supplies, transportation, and a food program.  Additional school year staffing includes the addition of an elementary school counselor, additional mental health counselors at the secondary level, additional PE/Health teachers, an ESOL teacher, and a Technology teacher.  In addition, a mindfulness room is being established in the middle and high schools, and a Check and Connect program is being established at the secondary level. 


ESSER 3 Budget Narrative

ESSER 3 FS-10 Document

ESSER 3 FS-10A Document

ESSER 3 FS-10A2 Document(2)

ARP ESSER 3 – FS-10A3 Document

ARP Learning Loss

ARP Learning Loss FS-10 Document

ARP Learning Loss FS-10A Document

ARP Learning Loss FS-10A2 Document

ARP Learning Loss FS-10F Document

ARP Summer Learning and Enrichment

ARP Summer Learning and Enrichment Budget Narrative

ARP Summer Learning and Enrichment FS-10 Document

ARP Summer Learning and Enrichment FS-10A Document

ARP Summer Learning and Enrichment FS-10F Document

ARP Comprehensive After School 

ARP Comprehensive After School Budget Narrative

(If you have trouble accessing the application(s)/documents, please email Jennifer Thompson)

Other District Needs Being Met With This Grant

  • Library books to represent all cultures and races
  • Panorama Survey
  • Portable air conditioners for summer school
  • Tang Math Software for all the elementary schools
  • Virtual Reality Software 

How Grant Funds Support District Goals 

Increase Student Achievement

  • Provide an expanded summer school program for elementary and secondary students
  • Offer new summer enrichment opportunities
  • Add extended day programs
  • Foster a diverse and inclusive culture
  • Provide social-emotional support
  • Expand academic offerings

Attract/Retain Knowledgeable/Dedicated Staff

  • New school and mental health counselors
  • Additional ENL teacher
  • Additional PE/Health teacher
  • Additional instructional technology teacher

Serve as the Cornerstone of the Community

  • Establish partnerships based on open communication, trust and collaboration with the community
  • Maintain high-quality schools that are an investment for our community
  • Maintain a welcoming and accessible environment for the whole child, whole staff, and whole community

Maintain and Support Facilities

  • Improve ventilation
  • Facility repairs/upgrades
  • Pavilions to provide additional outdoor classroom space
  • Flexible seating


The District is seeking input and public comment from parents, teachers and other stakeholders regarding the use of these federal funds. To provide comments please contact either:
Ivelisse Mojica, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Brad Conklin, Assistant Superintendent for Business