5800- Parent and Family Engagement

The Board of Education believes that student achievement is directly linked to parental and family involvement, and thus encourages such involvement in school educational planning and operations. Parental and family involvement may take place either in the classroom or during extracurricular activities. However, the Board also encourages parental and family involvement at home (e.g., planned home reading time, informal learning activities and/or homework “contracts” between parents and children). The Board directs the Superintendent of Schools to develop a home-school communications program in an effort to encourage all forms of parental and family involvement.

To assure compliance with federal Title I guidelines, the Board further directs the administration to implement programs, activities and procedures to achieve parental and family involvement in planning, designing and implementing such programs. The following outlines parental involvement for the Title I program:

  1. Parents and families will be involved in the development of this revised policy, including the process for school review of the Title I Plan and the process for improvement.
  2. The Assistant Superintendent or his designee will be responsible for coordinating and integrating parental and family involvement strategies under Title I with other programs.
  3. The District shall, through the use of Parent Advisory Committees, perform an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parental and family involvement policy in improving the academic quality of schools served. They will identify barriers to greater participation of parents and families in Title I activities and shall use the findings to design strategies for effective parental and family involvement and to revise, as necessary, the parental involvement strategies.
  4. School-Parent Compact – will be reviewed annually.
  5. Parental and family involvement in Title I activities shall be addressed through annual building meetings with parents of students in Title I programs, annual meetings of the Title I Parent Advisory Committee, flyers, announcements and building websites. All of these efforts will encourage parent and family participation.
  6. Coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement strategies with other relevant federal, state, and local programs. The District conducts family workshops funded by the Title I grant each year.
  7. Involve parents and family members in decisions regarding how it spends funds reserved for parent and family engagement activities. Parents and family members are invited annually to participate in the Title I Consultation/Collaboration Night event.

The Board hereby directs that each district Title I school develop a parental and family engagement plan in conjunction with the parents of participating children in compliance with the law.


  • Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as reauthorized by 20 USC §6301 (Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015)
  • 20 USC §§ 6318 and 6321
  • 34 CFR Parts 74-86, 97-99, and 200

Adoption Date: April 3, 2017
Reviewed: May 22, 2017