The Board of Education recognizes the health hazards associated with smoking and therefore, prohibits smoking, possession of smoking related paraphernalia, the use of e-cigarettes or any other device used to inhale any non-prescribed substance, or other synthetic/tobacco-related products by students in school buildings, on school property or at school-sponsored activities.
Students caught violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary penalties.
The Board policy on smoking will be prominently posted in each school building.
- 1530, Smoking on School Premises
- 4317, Teaching About Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco
- 5313, Penalties
- Goals 2000: Educate America Act §§1041 et seq. (The Pro-Children Act of 1994)
- Public Health Law Article 13-E §§1399-n et seq.
Adoption date: May 27, 1997
Revised: June 9, 2014
Revised: July 11, 2016
Reviewed: May 22, 2017