The following lists of prohibited student behaviors have been established to clearly describe a code of conduct and to provide for a consistent level of discipline in the school district (K-12).
Level I Infractions
These offenses will involve the teacher/support staff as a decision maker in respect to the severity of the offense and the appropriate penalty.
- classroom misconduct (annoying others, fooling around, lack of materials, lack of homework, failure to cooperate, cheating, tardiness, theft, etc.);
- hallway, bathroom and cafeteria misconduct (excessive noise, rowdiness, running,); and
- inappropriate interaction between peers (including inordinate affection, aggression (physical and/or verbal), taunting, harassment, profanity, and obscene gestures).
Teachers will use judgment in determining the severity of the offense, the number of occurrences, and circumstances involved. Depending upon these factors, any of the following penalties may apply:
- verbal reprimand
- loss of privileges
- detention
- parent notification
- office referral
Level II Infractions
Upon written referral from the teacher/support staff, these offenses will involve a school administrator as the decision-maker in respect to severity of the offense and the appropriate penalty:
- disrespectful behavior directed toward adults, including, but not limited to, use of profanity, abusive language, obscene gestures/materials;
- fighting;
- insubordination;
- bus misbehavior;
- skipping class;
- truancy;
- trespassing and/or loitering;
- serious (and/or repeat) instances of Level I infractions;
- use, possession, sale of tobacco;
- forgery;
- automobile misuse.
Such Level II infractions will be reported to the Building Administrator who will use his/her judgment in determining severity and frequency of offense in selecting from penalties listed below:
- verbal and/or written reprimand;
- warning;
- loss of privileges and/or detention;
- report to parents;
- parent conference;
- restitution;
- in-school suspension;
- out-of-school suspension;
- Superintendent’s hearing.
Level III Infractions
These infractions may involve the Superintendent of Schools in the decision making process with respect to the appropriate penalties upon referral of Building Administrator:
- theft;
- fighting (when serious injuries occur);
- arson;
- assault;
- extortion;
- use, possession, sale, transfer or facilitation thereof of alcohol and/or drugs, and being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs while on school property (including buses) or at school functions;
- use, possession, sale, transfer or facilitation thereof of weapons;
- use, possession, sale, transfer or facilitation thereof of explosive devices;
- vandalism;
- repeated or persistent serious disruptions to a class, a school, or the district;
- sexual misconduct (whether consensual or not consensual); and
- any other infractions that violate New York State Penal Law.
Teachers (or appropriate others) will notify the Building Administrator of above infractions. The Building Administrator will then apprise the Superintendent of said incident(s) and determination of age-appropriate penalty(ies), including:
- loss of privileges and/or detention
- report to parent(s)
- parent conference;
- restitution;
- in-school suspension;
- out-of-school suspension;
- Superintendent’s hearing.
A monthly report of all Level III infractions and action taken will be provided to the Board of Education by Superintendent (or designee).
Adoption date: May 27, 1997
Revised: August 8, 2005
Revised: February 25, 2008
Revised: June 8, 2009
Reviewed: May 22, 2017