A. Academic Eligibility Procedures: Secondary Grades 7-12
In order to implement Board of Education Policies #5200 and 5280, the following are the procedures that will guide our secondary schools with establishing Academic Eligibility.
- All extracurricular and cocurricular activities affected by the Academic Eligibility Policies of the Board of Education are listed in this report under the heading of “Student Activity Programs.” New extracurricular or cocurricular activities added during the school year will also be subject to this policy. Any activity that normally originates from a subject class is not included under the Academic Eligibility policies. School functions that are considered social activities (proms, dances, spectators at school events, pep rally, senior trip, etc.) are not included in the Academic Activity procedures.
- A student who fails two or more subjects on a report card or five-week progress report shall be considered ineligible for participation in all extracurricular or cocurricular activities. Each five-week progress report or quarterly report card will be used to establish the eligibility status for students. A student who is currently failing or fails two or more subjects may practice or take part in extracurricular meetings, but can not participate in any games, trips, or events related to that activity. Students may, however, travel to an away competition as a spectator, provided they do not miss any instructional time. This includes traveling to any event or competition away from the Valley Central campus as part of a group or interscholastic team.
- After a list of ineligible students is produced by the Academic Advisor, a copy of the list will be distributed to all coaches and advisors. An academically ineligible student will be informed by his/her coach or advisor. This list will become effective upon distribution.
- When a student has failed two or more classes, he/she must wait two weeks, after the ineligible list is distributed, to regain eligibility. When the two-week period falls within a lengthy vacation (Winter/Spring holiday), the ineligibility period may be extended up to five days. Incomplete grades will be considered a failing grade until the student makes up the work. An incomplete grade can be converted to a passing grade prior to the end of the two-week probationary period. If a student drops a course of study and is failing, the student will have to wait until the end of the next grading period to regain eligibility. When a student moves to a lower level of course of study, the grade of the initial class will establish eligibility status. The teacher of the new level class will have two weeks to evaluate the student for eligibility.
- At the end of the two-week period, the student must be evaluated by his/her subject teacher to regain eligibility. The teacher will establish, at his/her discretion, the appropriate criteria for each individual student to regain eligibility. Teachers should evaluate the student for the two-week period only. Said teachers will use a check-off form, provided by the Academic Advisor, indicating satisfactory or unsatisfactory progress for the two-week period only. Stating the student is making satisfactory progress during the two-week period does not infer that a student is passing the quarter or the subject class. Students must continue to do satisfactory work for the remainder of the report period or find themselves on the ineligibility list. The student is responsible for picking up and delivering the form to the subject teacher of his/her failing class. This form will be returned by the subject teacher to the Academic Advisor, or a designated representative, at the end of the two-week probationary period. It will be the responsibility of the Academic Advisor to inform the coach or advisor of any change in the student’s eligibility status.
- If a student does not regain eligibility after the two-week probationary period, the student will be prohibited from practice and participation in all extracurricular/cocurricular activities until the next Academic Eligibility List can be produced. If this student is still failing after the subsequent reporting period, he/she must wait until the next report period (5 weeks) to regain eligibility. Practice or participation in all extracurricular/cocurricular activities will be prohibited until the student regains eligibility.
- A student who fails two or more full or half-year courses, at the conclusion of a marking period, will be declared academically ineligible. In order to regain eligibility after failing two or more courses in January or June, a student must demonstrate that he/she is meeting eligibility requirements after a two-week probationary period. Each teacher must sign a form indicating satisfactory progress after the two-week period. A course of study, failed in June, may be made up by passing an equivalent summer school course at Valley Central or any other valid summer program. If a course of study is not available at an accredited summer school, the student will be declared ineligible until meeting the above described procedures. Students returning in the fall will be able to practice and participate without restrictions but are subject to review by the Academic Advisor after two weeks of the new school year (September).
B. Concussion Management
The following procedure will be used for an athlete after showing signs of a concussion:
- Any athlete who shows symptoms consistent with that of a possible concussion as the result of an injury will be removed immediately from activity and may not return until medically cleared.
- The coach will notify the parents of the athlete that day their son/daughter may have symptoms of a possible concussion as a result of an injury and ask that their child be evaluated by a health care provider. An incident report is to be completed in the athletic office within 24 hours, to be forwarded to the Health Office.
- In order to return to practice or competition, any student athlete who has been diagnosed with a concussion must be cleared by our School Physician. They will need to present a release from their health care provider to our Health Office stating that they have been evaluated and are symptom free. Our School Physician will require two such visits. The first is the initial evaluation, assessment and diagnosis and the second is the private provider’s clearance at the follow up visit. Documentation from both visits will be submitted to the School Physician for evaluation.
- Once our Health Office receives written communication from our School Physician that the athlete is cleared, the coach or teacher will receive notification that the student may return to activity. The coach or teacher will also be advised of any restrictions if they should exist.
- If District staff suspect a second concussion after the athlete returns, the athlete will need to get medical attention as soon as possible. District staff should not hesitate to call an ambulance if they suspect a student has suffered a concussion.
Return to Play
If cleared, the student may begin the return to play progression below.
Return-to-play following a concussion involves the following five step process. This progression will be a minimum of 5 days for return to play.
- Stage One – Rest until symptom free (asymptomatic)
- Once student is asymptomatic for 7 days and has received clearance to proceed by their health care provider, they can progress to stage two.
- Stage Two – Light Aerobic Exercise
- Student performs light aerobic activity for 20-30 minutes as directed by coach/teacher.
- Student will be continuously monitored by coach/teacher. The coach/teacher will discuss the results with the school nurse, athletic director and/or the School Physician. If any signs and symptoms occur during activity, the activity will be stopped. Stage two can be reattempted after the student has been asymptomatic for an additional 24 hours.
- Once stage two is completed and student remains asymptomatic for 24 hours post exertion, they can progress to stage three.
- Stage Three – Moderate Aerobic Exercise
- Student performs moderate aerobic activity for 30 minutes as directed by coach/teacher.
- Student will be continuously monitored by coach/teacher. If any signs and symptoms occur during activity, the activity will be stopped. Stage three can be reattempted after the student has been asymptomatic for an additional 24 hours.
- Once stage three is completed and student remains asymptomatic for 24 hours post exertion, they can progress to stage four.
- Stage Four – Intense Activity and Non-Contact Sport Activity
- Student performs intense aerobic activity for 30-45 minutes, including sport specific activity as directed by School Physician.
- Student will be continuously monitored by coach/teacher. If any signs and symptoms occur during activity, the activity will be stopped. Stage four can be reattempted after the student has been asymptomatic for an additional 24 hours.
- Once stage four is completed and student remains asymptomatic for 24 hours post exertion, they can progress to stage five.
- Stage Five – Full Participation in Practice
- No limitations in practice.
- If any signs and symptoms occur during practice, activity will be stopped. Stage five can be reattempted after the student has been asymptomatic for an additional 24 hours.
- If asymptomatic post practice for 24 hours, may return to play with full clearance.
If any post-concussion symptoms occur while in the step-wise program, the student should drop back to the previous asymptomatic level and try to progress again after a further 24-hour period of rest has passed. The student should be symptom-free without the use of any medication to mask the pain. The program and return to play will be monitored by the school nurse, as appropriate.
These protocols will be followed by all Valley Central School District health care professionals (nurses and School Physician), coaches and teachers who are responsible for returning a student to active participation after a concussion, as appropriate. The District’s concussion management/return-to-play protocol is to be followed even if the student presents a prescription and/or other note from his/her health care provider or emergency room provider authorizing a return to play or other physical activity sooner than required by this policy. Input from the student’s treating health care provider may be a factor with regard to the District’s determination regarding proposed restrictions and limitations on school attendance and activities for the student.
Multiple Concussions
Student athletes suffering from a history of concussion will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Those with multiple concussions may require additional rest and may be held out for the remainder of the season. Those suffering from three concussions may be disqualified from participating in athletics, and made aware that a fourth concussion could cause lifetime impairments. The District may need to consider barring these student athletes from contact sports in the future. For the safety of the student/athlete, the School Physician has the authority to make the final return to play decision.
Concussion Education
Each school coach, physical education teacher and nurse who works with and/or provides instruction to pupils engaged in school sponsored athletic activities, shall complete, on a biennial basis, a course of instruction approved by the New York State Education Department relating to recognizing the symptoms of mild traumatic brain injuries and monitoring and seeking proper medical treatment for pupils who suffer mild traumatic brain injuries.
Information relating to mild traumatic brain injuries shall be posted on the district website.
- 5200-R, Cocurricular and Extracurricular Programs Regulation
- 8 NYCRR §135.4
- 8 NYCRR §136.5
- Education Law §305(42)
Adoption date: March 11, 2002
Revised: September 24, 2012
Reviewed: May 22, 2017