4531- Field Trips and Excursions

The Board of Education recognizes the value of off-campus experiences which will enhance the educational program of the school system.

Factors relevant in consideration of approval of such field trips may include the relationship to the curriculum, the distance of the trip, availability of transportation, the cost involved, weather conditions, and full utilization of transportation.

Every class may attend at least one field trip per year but generally not more than two per class. All trips will be subject to review by the Building Principal. Class parents may assist as chaperones. All chaperones will adhere to the code of conduct established prior to the event. All permission slips must be signed and returned at least two days prior to the trip. Every effort will be made to avoid the exclusion of students based on the cost of the trip.


When the District provides transportation to students on a school-sponsored field trip, extracurricular activity or any other similar event, it shall provide transportation back to either the point of departure or to the appropriate school in the district. The District cannot accept liability by permitting a student to ride with anyone other than the student’s parent or legal guardian. Exceptions should follow Regulation 4531-R.

Where intervening circumstances have made transportation back to the point of departure or to the appropriate school in the district impractical, a representative of the District shall remain with the student until such student’s parent or legal guardian has been contacted and the student has been delivered to his/her parent or legal guardian.

Overnight Travel

Trips in excess of one day involving overnight travel should be reviewed by the Superintendent of Schools for recommendation for Board consideration prior to making any commitments or arrangements. These requests should be made to the Superintendent at least three months in advance of the planned event.


  • Education Law §§1604; 1709; 1804; 1903; 2503; 2554; 2590-e

Adoption date: May 27, 1997
Revised: June 10, 2002
Revised: October 13, 2009
Reviewed: May 22, 2017