The Board of Education may establish advisory committees for special projects or to address specific problems or issues. Such committees may be composed of individuals who have not been elected the Board in order that the resources of the entire community may be utilized for the good of the district. Final decisions in all matters will rest with the Board.
Procedures will be established by the Board for the creation and function of advisory committees. These procedures, at the time of the creation of the committee, shall include: specific charges or tasks assigned to committees, payment of committee expenses, membership of committees and procedures for dissolution of committees.
Committees shall report all suggestions and recommendations to the Board and Superintendent prior to public release. Final reports shall be delivered to the Board at a meeting scheduled by the Board to receive the report.
Any official policy-level action is the sole discretion of the Board. The Board is in no way obligated to follow committee recommendations. The Board has the right to accept, reject, or modify all or any part of a committee recommendation.
Correspondence shall ordinarily be conducted by the Superintendent or his/her designee. The Superintendent shall transmit the contents of any communication from a committee to the Board at its next meeting.
Joint Meetings
When a committee is ready to submit its final report on each assigned topic, the Board shall, on request, attempt to arrange a joint meeting for the purpose of receiving the report. A summary of agreements, requests, and major viewpoints expressed in each joint meeting shall be prepared by the Superintendent (or designee) and copies sent to the Board and to the committee.
Liaison Personnel
The Board shall appoint one of its members to serve as a liaison with each of its committees. A Board member serving in such capacity shall meet or communicate with the committee as he/she deems appropriate.
The Superintendent shall appoint a member of his/her staff to serve as a channel of communication between his/her office and all Board committees. The person serving in this capacity shall meet or communicate with the committee(s) and committee assistants as he/she deems proper, keeping informed as to activities, providing for use of resources, and advising in the preparation of reports. He/She shall report his/her own and all committee activities directly to the Superintendent.
Advisory committees shall be encouraged to draw upon a wide variety of resources, from within and/or outside of the school system. Each committee shall be particularly encouraged to draw upon the talents of other local residents, and to recommend to the Board the official appointment of any such additional members as the committee desires.
At the request of any committee, the Superintendent shall appoint a member of the professional staff to assist it in carrying out the work assigned to it by the Board. Such committee assistants shall be responsible to the Superintendent.
Arrangements for the use of supplies, equipment, and personnel from within the school system shall be made through the Superintendent (or designee).
Expenditure of district funds by any advisory committee shall be made only with the prior approval of the Superintendent and in accordance with Board policy.
- 1200, Community Involvement
- 6700, Purchasing
Adoption date: May 27, 1997
Revised: July 13, 2004
Reviewed: February 27, 2017