The success of every school system depends on an effective working relationship between the Board of Education and the Superintendent of Schools. This code emphasizes the most important goals and obligations of that relationship.
ASSURE the opportunity for high quality education for every student and make the well-being of students the fundamental principle in all decisions and actions.
HONOR all national, state, and local laws and regulations pertaining to education and public agencies.
REPRESENT the entire community without fear or favor, while not using these positions for personal gain, and accepting all responsibilities as a means of unselfish service.
UPHOLD the principles of due process and individual dignity, and protect the civil and human rights of all.
ADHERE to the principle that the Board shall confine its role to policymaking, planning, and appraisal, while the Superintendent shall implement the Board’s policies.
ACT as part of an educational team with mutual respect, civility, and regard for each other’s respective responsibilities and duties, recognizing that the strength of a school board is in acting as a Board, not as individuals; and that the strength of the Superintendent is in being the educational leader of the school district.
PRACTICE and PROMOTE ethical behavior in the boardroom and in the classroom.
MAINTAIN high standards and the effectiveness of education through research and continuing professional development.
CONSIDER and DECIDE all issues considered fairly and without bias.
INSTILL respect for community, state, and nation.
PROTECT the spirit and letter of all contracts until fulfillment or modification by mutual agreement.
INSPIRE and NURTURE the highest levels of ethics and integrity.
Adoption date: May 27, 1997
Reviewed: February 27, 2017