1800- Acceptance of Gifts

It shall be the policy of the district to accept gifts provided the same is made and is accepted by the Board of Education in accordance with statutory authority pertaining to gifts.

The Board will consider, but shall not be limited to, the following factors in determining whether to accept or reject any such gift.

  1. The terms of the gift must identify:
    1. the subject of the gift;
    2. the purpose of the gift;
    3. the beneficiary or beneficiaries, if any; and
    4. all conditions or restrictions that may apply.
  2. The gift must not be exclusionary or benefit a particular or designated individual(s); provided, however, that the donor(s) may memorialize an individual(s) or his or their family(s).
  3.  If the purpose of the gift is for an award of achievement to an individual student(s), staff member(s) or other person(s) associated with the school district, the criteria for determining such beneficiary(ies) shall be made only on the basis that all eligible beneficiaries shall have an equal opportunity to qualify and no one shall be denied the award on the basis of race, religion, sex or other prohibited discrimination.
  4. If the gift is in trust, the obligation of the investment and reinvestment of the principal shall be clearly specified and the application of both income and principal shall be clearly set forth.
  5. If the gift requires that capital improvements, site work, or other expenses be funded by the District in order to install, or otherwise use the gift, the following conditions must be met:
    1. a formal presentation on the proposed gift must be made to the Board of Education, which must include the estimated costs to be expended by the District;
    2. the Board must complete any required environmental reviews under SEQRA;
    3. the Board must vote to approve the gift and outline any terms and conditions of accepting such gift, including any necessary building permits or design work; and
    4. fundraising may only occur after the Board has approved the gift.


  • Education Law §1709(12)

Adoption date: February 11, 1991
Revised: August 24, 2015
Reviewed: February 27, 2017