The annual district budget shall be submitted for voter approval as required by law. Any voter-presented propositions shall be submitted in accordance with the procedure specified by law and district policy. The resubmission of any defeated budget or the submission of any propositions by the Board of Education will be done at the discretion of the Board as permitted by law.
The Superintendent of Schools shall approve all information regarding district expenditures submitted to the district voters for approval. The Superintendent shall ensure that any document, newsletter, advertisement or other communication prepared and/or distributed at district expense shall be factual in nature to the best of his/her knowledge, and shall not exhort district voters to vote to approve or disapprove any matter submitted for voter approval.
No document shall be issued without the prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools.
- 1050, Annual District Election and Budget Vote and Public Hearing
on the Budget - 6100, Annual Budget
- Education Law §1716
- Phillips v. Maurer, 67 NY2d 672 (1981)
Adoption date: May 27, 1997
Reviewed: February 27, 2017