What is the Yale RULER Program?
By acknowledging the value of emotions in our everyday effectiveness, RULER aims to infuse the principles of emotional intelligence into the immune system of each school, informing how leaders lead, teachers teach, students learn, and families support students.
RULER is an acronym for the five skills of emotional intelligence:
Recognizing emotions in oneself and others
Understanding the causes and consequences of emotions
Labeling emotions with a nuanced vocabulary
Expressing emotions in accordance with cultural norms and social context
Regulating emotions with helpful strategies
RULER skills help people of all ages to use their emotions wisely, opening opportunities for us to succeed in school, at work, and in life. These skills are both personal and social, such that a network emerges with positive changes reinforced.
RULER is an evidence-based approach to social and
emotional learning (SEL) that supports the entire school
community in:
• Understanding the value of emotions
• Building the skills of emotional intelligence
• Creating and maintaining a positive school climate
RULER be implemented at home to reinforce and strengthen a student’s learning. The RULER program provides resources for families here.