Communications at Valley Central

Stay Connected to Your District

For a large portion of the day, the community’s children are in our care.  The education of our students is a responsibility that we don’t take lightly, and something we know that doesn’t stop when students leave school. Working together has always been a huge part of our process, so please stay connected. 

SchoolTool Parent Portal

Parent Portal is a highly secure, internet-based application through which you are able to view district-permitted details of your student’s academic records, such as progress reports, report cards, and assignments.

SchoolTool offers a portal for parents/guardians and one for students. You can access the log-in page for either portal here.

If you don’t already have a Parent Portal account, please fill out this form.


District families  (primary student contacts and employees are automatically part of our automated ParentSquare system.  Through ParentSquare, parents/guardians will receive emails, phone calls, and text messages from their child’s building administrator and the district.  

Not receiving calls/texts? Reach out to Renee Marchant to be sure we have your most up-to-date information. Not receiving emails? Check your spam folder and then reset the permission.

In Case of Inclement  Weather or Other Emergency Announcements

Valley Central uses several different measures to disseminate information to the community in relation to school closings, delays, dismissals, or emergency information.  Parents and guardians will receive messages to the phone number and/or email address designated in ParentSquare.

On our website: Check the Red Special Alert section at the top of any page. 

Our Website

Our Website is our primary means of communication on the web. Find all kinds of information about our District, activities, programs, and announcements on our District and school webpages.  Be sure to bookmark our page at

Find our Faculty

If you need to contact any administrator or faculty member, you can look them up on our website contact page.  You will find an email link and their voicemail extension.  You can look them up by name, or look up an entire building. 

All the News

Posts about happenings in Valley Central are made on a regular basis to the webpage news feed on the home page for our District, each of our buildings, and on the ALC Program page.  You can find news unique to the building on each page or all the news is found on the news page.

Website Calendar Features

Be sure to check out our calendar page where you can find printable calendars and our Google calendars.

The district calendar is powered by Google. To view the district calendar or individual school calendars in Google and add events to your personal calendar, please use the links below.

Valley Central District Calendar

If you go to the District Google calendar, you can select as many or few schools as you would like to see, so you can customize a monthly calendar that shows you the events for the buildings that you utilize the most. 

Sports Schedules

Sports Schedules are available through RSchool Today on the Sports Schedule button under our Featured Links and ourAthletics page or at this link,  RSchool Today also has an app available in Android or IOS.  

Mailings to Every Resident

Viking Calendar/District Guide

The District Calendar/Guide is mailed to all district residents in August.  If you are unable to read or print the calendar or would like to pick up an additional copy, please contact our district receptionist at (845) 457-2400, ext. 18505. 

2024-2025 District Calendar

Budget Newsletter

View the Budget Newsletter and other budget information here.

Follow us on Facebook

See photos of what is going on in our schools and receive updates on events and District happenings on our Facebook page.  Links to specific posts are often included on our webpage news feeds

Valley Central School District Facebook Guidelines

This is the official Facebook page for the Valley Central School District. The School District updates this page frequently to share student and staff achievements, information and/or photos of school and District-sponsored activities and events. The District’s website is the best resource for school-related information: The District also offers residents the opportunity to sign up for notifications via the district’s message system, School Messenger. 

The District Facebook page is not an alternative method of communicating with school personnel. Questions related to students or in-school events should be researched on the District website; or  directed to the main office of the school the student attends. General District-wide questions may be directed to the District’s Central Office. You may contact school personnel by phone or email.  There is a staff directory available  on our website: You may reach a District directory by calling: (845) 457-2400, ext. 19999. 

 The Valley Central Facebook page is not moderated by any District administrator and cannot respond to any specific concerns or questions through the page. Valley Central School District is committed to building a relationship with our residents; to this end, we have several established ways to address our community’s concerns, questions, and suggestions. Our Board of Education meetings offer a time for public comments. Each building’s administrative team is available by phone and by email to discuss any concerns and answer any questions. 

The goal of using Facebook by Valley Central School District is to share important information with our public. To help us accomplish this goal, we ask that you abide by the following guidelines when, and if, you would like to make a comment on a post:

  • Be respectful. Defamatory attacks or comments aimed at specific individuals, employees, or students are not permitted and will be deleted immediately from the page.
  • Be polite. Avoid language that is abusive, harassing, sexually explicit and/or obscene. Profanity is not allowed. These comments will be deleted immediately. 
  • Stay on topic. This is a page dedicated to the education of students of Valley Central. Let’s keep the conversation related to our district, schools and activities. Comments of all kinds are welcome so long as they directly relate to our district, schools and activities.
  • Do not post comments that advertise or promote a product or service. Spam and commercial advertisements will be deleted.
  • Do not use the Valley Central School District Facebook page in place of standard communication practices, such as contacting District staff to share personal issues and concerns. This page is not intended to circumvent regular communication channels for sharing these issues and concerns. Comments regarding a personal issue with the District, a school, student or a staff member will be removed. 
  • In administering the page, the District will abide by Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities ( The District asks that its Facebook users do the same. 
  • Please be certain that your comments are appropriate for an educational environment and followers of all ages.
  • Be factual. Blatantly inaccurate information will not be allowed. False information will be removed and factual information will be posted.

Abuse of the above guidelines can lead to removal of a specific comment or the blocking/removal from our page.

Regarding the Use of District Trademarks, Logos, and Service Marks: The logos and symbols of the Valley Central School District are trademarks or service marks of the Valley Central School District. Faculty, staff, and students of the District may use the above-mentioned logos and symbols for internal documents or materials for internal business or educational purposes only. Use of the DIstrict’s trademarks and/or service marks for any retail or commercial purpose, for endorsements, promotions, and similar endeavors requires the express written permission of the Valley Central School District. You may contact the District Clerk to request the consent form.

The goal of the VCSD Facebook page is to have  a place on social media where we share how #VCPROUD we are about the events and activities that take place in the District. 

Visit our Youtube Channel 

The District’s Youtube Channel contains videos from all schools, sports events and BOE meetings.  

Photographing School-Related Events

Share/email your Google Photo Album or photos/videos with the Communications Team.

Please do not post any photos/videos of VC events or students on your personal social media pages. Photos should be shared with the District Communications Dept. so that we can share them appropriately on our VC social media pages. 

If you have an iPhone please follow the below instructions prior to taking photos of any school-related events on your phone:

  • Go to settings > Camera > Formats > Select Most Compatible
    • Most compatible would be JPEG files for photos or MP4 for videos
  • Take photos
  • Upload photos to Google Photos
    If you do not have Google Photos download the app. Install the Google Photos app. When you open the Google Photos app, you will see all the photos and videos on your account. You can edit photos & videos and share your photos with someone else. You can also delete unwanted photos.