The Board of Education, recognizing the health hazards associated with smoking, prohibits smoking and the use of e-cigarettes in the schools or on school grounds during the school day and at any school function. Copies of this policy shall be prominently posted in the workplace.
- 1530, Smoking on School Premises
- 5312.3, Smoking
- Goals 2000, Educate America Act §§1041 et seq. (The Pro-Children Act of 1994)
- Public Health Law Article 13-E; §§206; 340; 347
- Education Law §§409(2); 3020-a
- Newark Valley C.S.D., 83 NY2d 315 (1994)
- Oneonta City S.D., 24 PERB ¶3025 (1991)
Adoption date: May 27, 1997
Revised: June 9, 2014
Reviewed: November 27, 2017