Personal Cell Phone Usage
The task of all school district personnel during the instructional day, whether directly or indirectly, is to foster effective instruction of students. Recognizing that any time which is devoted by staff to personal activities during instructional time may interfere with the effective instruction of students, the following guidelines shall govern the use of cell phones during work time for District staff who are not required to carry cell phones during school hours:
- All District staff (except as noted above) should limit use of cell phones to before or after the work day or during breaks, lunch and prep periods.
- All District staff (except as noted above) must ensure that their cell phones are turned to a silent ring setting during the instructional day.
- Use of cell phones in the classroom or any other environment where students are being instructed or supervised, is specifically prohibited except with express permission from the Administrator.
- At no time may students be left unattended in order to use a cell phone.
- During a meeting or assembly beyond the instructional day, all District staff rattending shall set their cell phones to a silent ring setting so the meeting or assembly is not interrupted.
District-Issued Cell Phone Usage
It is also recognized that specific employees will be required to carry cellular phones to meet job responsibilities. Job titles requiring cellular telephones shall be listed in the Regulation and reported to the Board of Education each year at the District’s reorganizational meeting in July. The District shall maintain a record of each cellular telephone (and related accessories) owned, leased, or maintained by the District. Such records shall include, but not be limited to, the telephone number, equipment manufacturer, and telephone serial number.
The District shall establish the level of service contract for each specific employee. The cellular phone may only be used by the employee to whom the phone is issued, and may only be used for District business purposes, except for incidental, emergency personal use. In the event the employee uses the District-issued cellular phone for any use other than District business, s/he shall reimburse the District for the additional cost of such use pursuant to the Regulation. Individuals authorized to use District cellular telephones shall agree in writing to accept financial responsibility for any inappropriate usage by that individual.
As with any District-owned equipment, employees must take proper care of cell phones and take all reasonable precautions against damage, loss, or theft. Any damage, loss or theft must be reported immediately to the Business Office.
Employees have no expectation of privacy with respect to the use of District issued cellular telephones. Accordingly, District-owned cellular telephones may be searched at any time without prior notice.
At least once per year, the Business Office shall evaluate the effectiveness of the cellular telephone plan.
Adoption date: March 27, 2006
Revised date: July 12, 2010
Reviewed: August 28, 2017