The Board of Education recognizes the obligation of the District to effectively and efficiently administer benefits to eligible retirees. It is important that retirees receive the benefits to which they are entitled and it is essential that the District administer the program in a manner that is fiscally responsible. To this end, the Board requires that the School Business Official oversees the benefits program and develop procedures to minimize the risk of fraud, waste and abuse.
Procedures instituted by the business office shall include periodic monitoring of the status of all retirees and their spouses and/or dependents to verify eligibility. The District will make every effort to keep its records up to date, utilizing databases, annual canvasses/questionnaires or other resources, as appropriate, to avoid making payments that are inaccurate, or payments to or on behalf of individuals who are ineligible.
The Board further expects that the District’s system of internal controls and its various audit functions will include this aspect of District operations and be included in applicable reports, as appropriate.
- 6650, Claims Auditor
- 6680, Internal Audit Function
Adoption date: December 12, 2011
Reviewed: August 28, 2017
Revised: October 15, 2019