6130- Budget Adoption

The proposed budget shall be presented to the voters of the district for adoption on a date designated by the Board of Education in accordance with the law. Individuals desiring to submit propositions or amendments to be placed on the ballot shall conform to the following requirements:

  1. Unless otherwise provided by the Education Law, petitions for the submission of a proposition must contain a minimum of 5 percent of the number of voters who voted in the last annual election;
  2. Petitions for propositions which do not have to be included in the notice of the annual election and budget vote must be presented to the District Clerk at least 30 days prior to the annual election to facilitate the preparation and printing of the ballots. Petitions for propositions which must be included in the notice of the annual election and budget vote must be filed with the District Clerk 60 days before the vote.
  3. The proposition shall be stated clearly and concisely and is subject to revision as to length and form by the Board for placement on the voting machine.
  4. Any propositions which require the expenditures of monies must include the necessary specific dollar appropriation.

Any proposition may be rejected by the Board if it fails to include the necessary specific appropriation and/or is not within the power of the voters.


  • Education Law §§1716; 2002; 20013; 2017; 2022

Adoption date: May 27, 1997
Reviewed: August 28, 2017