The District does not accept non-resident students except as specifically set forth in this policy and Policy 5152.1. This policy is not applicable to homeless students entitled to attend district schools under federal and state law and regulations.
The children of families who have signed a contract to buy or build a residence in the District and expect to move in within 60 days of the first day of school may be enrolled without payment of tuition. A person in parental relation must provide transportation. If no evidence of physical presence in the District is presented to the District within 60 days of the first day of school, the Superintendent may exclude the student from school until such time as they can prove they are residents of the District.
Further, the school district will not accept students who are not living with natural parents or legal guardians unless two notarized affidavits are received, one from the natural parents or legal guardians and one from the persons living within the District receiving custody of the student(s). The notarized affidavits must expressly state that the child’s custody has been surrendered to persons living within the District. The affidavits must also state that the child will be a full-time resident of the District during the time he/she is enrolled and in attendance, and that the persons living within the District have assumed parental control and will continue in such control during the child’s period of attendance.
Adoption date: May 27, 1997
Revised: March 9, 1998
Revised: January 9, 2017
Reviewed: May 22, 2017