VCMS PTA is Sponsoring a Clothing Drive March 3-19

VCMS PTA will be sponsoring a Clothing (and more!} Drive from Mon, March 3 through Wed, March 19. If you have clothing and household items you no longer need simply have your child stop by the bins located in the main office lobby to drop off unwanted items like:

  • clothing, shoes, sneakers, gloves, scarves, ties, hats…
  • backpacks, bags, purses…
  • household items including blankets, sheets, towels, curtains, bath/kitchen1rugs, tablecloths ..
  • Stuffed animals and dolls too I

      The color team across all 3 grades with the highest weight of donations will receive bragging rights and a special surprise. In addition to the bins in school, there will be a FINAL collection at the storage unit (Unit G-26)(Montgomery Self Storage – 9 Factory Street – Montgomery) from 9 am – 11am on Sat, March 22. This will give everyone one last opportunity to clean out their closets and straighten up those linen cabinets.

      Please send any questions to Wendy Plante at