Attention high school students: You can raise your SAT scores and improve your test-taking skills to prepare for the new computer-based SAT exam and maximize your opportunities for college-based scholarships.
VC SCholarship Council is sponsoring a spring SAT prep Class. This class provides review and preparation, and gives you the opportunity to learn and improve your test-taking skills, including tips and techniques for taking the digital SAT.
The prep class runs from Feb. 12 through April 3, 2025 . The class dates are: 2/12, 2/13, 2/27, 3/6, 3/20, 3/27, 4/2, and 4/3. All classes run from 5:45-8:15 p.m. The cost of the class is $310 and includes text with practice exams.
This prep class is recommended for students that have or are currently taking Algebra II or Trig R.
To enroll in the class, visit
Printable SAT Prep Class Flyer
The Valley Central Scholarship Council (VCSC) is a non-profit corporation dedicated to raising funds for the sole purpose of providing scholarships to graduating seniors of the Valley Central High School (VCHS) and financial aid to VCHS students in need of assistance to participate in Advanced Placement (AP) classes and exams and SUNY courses offered through VCHS.