2024 Capital Project Update Video
2024 Capital Project
Valley Central School District voters approved a $5,100,000 capital project on May 21, 2024.
Valley Central High School
- New Hard Divider Door between Wrestling and Gymnasium
Valley Central Middle School
- New Manual Curtain Screen Divider at Gymnasium
- New Manual Curtain Screen Divider at Cafeteria
- Exterior Door Replacement
- Pool Boiler Replacement
- Pool Filtration System Replacement
- Pool Skylight Replacement
- Regrouting of the Pool Deck
Berea Elementary School
- New Manual Curtain Screen Divider at Gymnasium
- Exterior Door Replacement
- Replacement of Water Softener System
East Coldenham Elementary School
- New Manual Curtain Screen Divider at Gymnasium
- Exterior Door Replacement
Alternative Learning Center
- Exterior Door Replacement
Montgomery Elementary School
- New Manual Curtain Screen Divider at Gymnasium
- Replacement of existing Slate Roof Systems
- Restore Central Tower at Slate Roof
Walden Elementary School
- Exterior Door Replacement
Capital Project 2023
Valley Central School District voters approved a $46,595,000 capital project in two propositions on May 16, 2023.
Below are the updates and the current phases of the Capital Projects outlined in the 2023 budget. All voter-approved projects have been separated into three phases.
Phase 1
The following projects are in Phase 1:
Administrative Building:
- Replacement of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system
- Add carbon monoxide alarm system
- Add emergency lighting in toilet rooms
Berea Elementary School:
- Security vestibule with relocation of main office and two kindergarten classrooms
- Replacement of casework in kindergarten classroom 120
- ADA bathroom renovations
- Upgrade of main entrance stairway doors and wall assemblies
- Building-wide signage upgrade
- Exterior walls/columns repair work
East Coldenham Elementary School:
- Renovations for a secured vestibule
- Exterior walls/columns repair work
- Renovation of main office
- Renovation for a secured vestibule
Montgomery Elementary School:
- Renovation of main office
- Renovations for a secured vestibule
- Exterior walls/columns repair work
Valley Central High School:
- Boiler replacement with steam to hot water conversion
- Unit ventilator replacement in 1989 wing
- Renovation for a secured vestibule.
- Replacement of HVAC pneumatic controls with digital controls
- Chiller replacement
- Replacement of tennis courts
- Add emergency lighting to the weight room
- Exterior walls/columns repair work
Valley Central Middle School:
- Renovations for a secured vestibule
- Exterior walls/columns repair work
Walden Elementary School:
- Secured vestibule – relocate office and one fourth grade classroom
- Main entrance columns repair work
- Retaining wall repair
Phase 2
The following projects are in Phase 2:
Berea Elementary School:
- Add air conditioning in the cafeteria
- Replacement of classroom unit ventilators in south wing
East Coldenham Elementary School:
- Boiler replacement
- Unit ventilator replacement
- Replace radiators, piping, and original ductwork
- Replace heating and ventilation pneumatic controls with digital controls
- Replacement of cafeteria exhaust fan
- Add air conditioning in the cafeteria
- Full replacement of the fire alarm system
- Abatement and replacement of select tile flooring (approximately 2,800 square feet)
- Full replacement of the fire alarm system
- Foundation repair of the northeast corner of the building
- Coating/protectant of fire escape
- Add emergency lighting in select areas
Montgomery Elementary School:
- Boiler replacement with steam to hot water conversion
- Replace heating and ventilation pneumatic controls with digital controls
- Unit ventilator replacement in the original section of the building
- Add air conditioning in the cafeteria
- Replacement of gymnasium ventilation equipment
- Replacement of electric distribution panels
- Replacement of water supply system strainers
Valley Central High School:
- Renovation of second floor science classrooms
Walden Elementary School:
- Replacement of fire alarm system
- Add emergency lighting in bathrooms
Phase 3
The following projects are in Phase 3:
Valley Central Middle School:
- Building-wide signage upgrade
- Renovation of technology classrooms
- Three classroom renovations (removal of stepped flooring)
- Bathroom renovations
- Replacement of south wing windows
East Coldenham Elementary School:
- ADA bathroom renovations
Montgomery Elementary School:
- Library renovation including ventilation unit replacement
- Sidewalk repairs
- Exterior stair repairs
- Exterior door replacement
Completed Building Projects
Capital Project 2021:
- Additional parking lot at the High School / Middle School campus
- High School Auditorium ADA Project
- Pool ventilation improvement
- High School athletic complex outdoor restroom facilities
- Reconstruction of the main High School parking lot
- Reconstruction of bus lane and parent drop off lane at the High School /
- Middle School campus
- Reconstruction of High School parking lot near gymnasium lobby
- Addition of lighting in the Middle School staff parking lot
Other Projects:
- Stadium scoreboard installation
- Walden roof soffit repair
- Administration building storefront
- Renovation of a High School technology classroom and an art classroom
- Construction of pavilions at each building
- Berea kindergarten playground ADA upgrades
- Walden ventilation improvements 1952 (new) wing