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JROTC is designed to teach high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, service to the community, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment while instilling in them self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline. 

Its focus is reflected in its mission statement, “To motivate young people to be better citizens.” It prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens.

The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps ( JROTC) is organized under the authority of the National Defense Act of 1916, reinforced by the Act of 1964. The program is sponsored by the United States Army in conjunction with the Board of Education. JROTC is the Principal’s program.

The JROTC unit was established upon application by the Board of Education, Valley Central School District, to the United States Army in April 2003.

Title 10, United States Code, Section 203-1, Provides for leadership instruction and training for physically fit male and female students at educational institutions meeting prescribed conditions.

In each of the schools which offer JROTC, there are military personnel assigned as instructors. These are retired Army personnel, and the position titles authorized at Valley Central High School are as follows: Senior Army Instructor (SAI) and the Army Instructor (AI).

Students successfully completing the yearly course of instruction will earn 1 full credit toward graduation in an elective category.


1 Unit of Credit

This course consists of instruction in The Spirit of American Citizenship which helps develop new skills you can use in school and throughout life. This introductory course gives you a greater appreciation of your American heritage as well as the history and purpose of Army JROTC. Other subjects covered are first aid, map reading, communications techniques, drug abuse prevention and Army physical fitness and wellness.

1 Unit of Credit

This course discusses American Military History, roles of the US Army and its organization, military career opportunities and reviews in map reading, first aid and other subjects chosen by the Senior Army Instructor. Students will be required to participate in weekly physical training.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of LET I or permission of SAI 

1 Unit of Credit

This course discusses self-awareness and communication techniques, implements leadership principles into a military setting, service learning and its impact on the local community, further involvement in military history and citizenship development. You will also begin to actually develop and implement training plans which align with a master training program. Students will be required to participate in weekly physical training.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of LET II or permission of SAI 

1 Unit of Credit

This course practically applies all aspects of leadership, communication and leadership through classroom preparation and presentations in leadership, citizenship, character development, communication skills, first aid, map reading and military history. Students will receive hands-on experience preparing and conducting both formal and informal instruction, truly leading by example. Students will be required to participate in weekly physical training.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of LET III or permission of SAI 

ART OF FLYING/SCIENCE OF FLIGHT (JROTC enrollment not required)
.5 Credit Each Class

Become familiar with the vastness of the aviation world: commercial airlines, executive and business flying, government and military flying, flight and ground school instructing, college and high school teaching, fire fighting, law enforcement, medical evacuation, aircraft/electronic and digital maintenance, research and development, safety corporations, Federal Aviation Agency, National Transportation Safety Board, airport operations, etc. This FAA oriented classroom academic ground school introduces and orients both the novice/curious and serious aviation students to the Art and Science of Aviation. It thoroughly prepares the aviation minded future aviator for the formal FAA ground school which is required to earn a private pilot’s license. Topics include: the airplane and powerplant, principles of flight, forces, control and stability, basic and advanced ground, ground track and aerial maneuvers, instrumentation, meteorology, navigation, physiology, safety, etc. It also includes aviation history, both civilian and military, with an emphasis on the legendary contributions of the Wright brothers and Glen Curtiss. Topics will also include current events and careers within the aviation field. Sophomores interested in the BOCES 2-year Aviation program would benefit from participation.

This class is recommended for juniors and seniors.