Courses | Culinary Arts | Fashion | Education | Human Development
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Family and Consumer Science (FACS) classes empower students to achieve success in their future. Our job as FACS teachers is to help create productive members of society who are healthy, financially stable, able to problem solve, communicate effectively, know how to find creative outlets, manage their stress, and have stable, loving families and relationships.
These classes allow our students to develop teamwork, leadership, and 21st-century skills that enable them to become critical thinkers in order to meet personal, family, career, and community challenges they will face in their adult life. FACS courses reinforce academic studies, while integrating math, science, and cognitive skills, and find creative solutions to problems along with hands-on experiences.
Culinary Arts
.5 Unit of Credit
Food and Nutrition Core is a laboratory class in which students practice basic culinary skills, management and safety. This course must be taken before taking any other food classes.
.5 Unit of Credit
This course provides the student with a more in-depth study of the concepts presented in Food and Nutrition Core. It will challenge the student with a wide variety of food preparation experiences and meal management techniques.
Prerequisite: Food and Nutrition Core
.5 Unit of Credit
Prepare, taste, serve, and evaluate traditional regional dishes of the Americas including The United States, Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. Emphasis will be placed on ingredients, flavor profiles, preparations, and gourmet techniques.
Prerequisite: Food and Nutrition Core
.5 Unit of Credit
Discover the unique flavors and tastes from Europe, Asia, and Africa. You will explore the traditional foods and flavors while identifying the differing gourmet cooking techniques, equipment, ingredients, and influences from cultures across the globe.
Prerequisite: Food and Nutrition Core
1 Unit of Credit
This full year course is a laboratory class that will introduce students to fashion and sewing. It offers the students the opportunity to explore the role of fashion in everyday life and develop a personal style while learning basic sewing skills. Student will be exposed to careers in the fashion industry including clothing production, marketing, and merchandising. Students will be required to provide all materials.
1 Unit of Credit
This is a full year laboratory class for students who have successfully completed Fashion and Clothing I. This course offers the students the opportunity to further their skills in clothing construction by making pattern adaptations, lining a garment, altering, repairing, or creating their own design. Students will be required to provide all materials.
Prerequisite: Clothing and Fashion
1 Unit of Credit
Fashion and Clothing III is designed to give students an opportunity to apply the skills they have mastered in Fashion and Clothing I and II in a more in depth and creative way. Students will work on redesigning existing patterns and designing their own garments. This full year class is for students who are looking to pursue a career in the fashion industry. Students will be required to provide all materials.
Prerequisite: Clothing and Fashion II
1 Unit of Credit
This full year course is a continuation on the fashion courses that students have previously completed. Students will work on individual fashion lines and mood boards in order to create a series of projects that are based on a chosen theme. Students will be strongly encouraged to put their fashion line in the fashion show in May.
Prerequisite: Clothing and Fashion III
1 Unit of Credit/3 College Credits
This full year course is a continuation on the fashion courses that students have previously completed. Students will receive 3 college level credits through Cazenovia College. Students will complete garment construction as well as fashion industry projects. Students will be strongly encouraged to put their fashion line in the fashion show in May. Students may take this course after completing Fashion 2 or 3.
Prerequisite: Clothing and Fashion II
.5 Unit of Credit
Introduction to Education I is a half credit course developed to introduce students to the rewards and challenges of teaching in today’s society. It is designed to assist students in developing a passion for teaching and to explore techniques on how to best educate their students. Students will work on building their passion and philosophies of education and learning.
.5 Unit of Credit
Introduction to Education II is a half credit course which is a continuation of Introduction to Education I. Students will explore roles of educators in today’s changing society, the changing educational landscape, and factors influencing education. Students will examine curriculum, effective instruction methods, classroom management, and assessment. Students will work with individual students during a fieldwork practicum and gain real word experience and insight into the teaching profession.
Human Development
.5 Unit of Credit
This course provides a study of the physical, emotional, intellectual and social development of the prenatal through the school age child. Projects, guest speakers and a field trip in combination with a daily homework assignment are used to provide a thorough understanding of the material. Recommended for anyone who is going to work with or have children in the future.
.5 Unit of Credit
This course will focus on the art of parenting and what it takes to provide care, support and love to a child in a stimulating and nurturing environment. This course also includes information that will help the students make healthy choices in relationships and parenting styles. Projects, guest speakers and a daily homework sheet are used to help them develop an understanding of the curriculum. Recommended to anyone who is, will be, or knows someone who is a parent.